12 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Eggs


Eggs are inexpensive and easily obtainable that most of us tend to take them for granted, failing to appreciate the incredible health benefits they provide. Not only is the humble egg low in calories, it is also full of nutrients that are essential for a healthy living. Many nutrition scientists recommend that everyone, regardless of their age, eat at least one egg a day.

Here are twelve amazing things that eggs do to your body:

1. Strengthened Immune System

Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant activity that plays an important role in combating inflammation and strengthening immunity. Just one large egg contains almost a quarter of the recommended daily intake of selenium. Adolescents who don’t consume enough selenium run the risk of developing conditions like Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease.

2. Higher HDL and Better Cholesterol Profile

The high proportion of cholesterol in eggs has given the food a bad rap. In actuality, eggs improve your cholesterol profile by increasing the proportion of HDL (high density lipoproteins) to LDL, low density lipoproteins).

3. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

This benefit comes hand in hand with the previous one. HDLs reduce the risk of heart disease by removing fat particles from artery walls. Eggs also cause LDL particles to increase in size, reducing their likelihood of sticking to the artery walls (atherosclerosis) and causing heart disease.

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease When You Eat Eggs

4. Enhanced Energy Levels

Eggs provide a slow and sustained source of energy as they do not cause spikes in insulin production or blood sugar levels. They also contain vitamins B12, B6 and riboflavin (B2) which are essential for energy metabolism.

5. Enhanced Memory and Cognitive Function

Egg yolks are rich in choline, which is used by the body to make the neurotransmitter acetyl choline (needed for communication between brain cells). Choline deficiency is linked to certain mental disorders and decreased cognitive function.

6. Reduced Age-related Vision Loss

There are several nutrients that help counter the degenerative processes that affect our eyes as we age. Two of these nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, are found in large quantities in egg yolks. These nutrients are found in dark leafy green vegetables as well, but they are absorbed far more easily from eggs.

Their consumption reduces the risk of cataracts and age-related macular eye degeneration.

Healthier Skin and Hair When You Eat Eggs

7. Healthier Skin and Hair

Many nutrients found in eggs are crucial for healthy skin and hair growth and regeneration. These include iron, vitamins A and D and amino acids.

8. Reduced Stress and Enhanced Mood

Lysine, one of the many amino acids found in eggs has the ability to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Some of the minerals found in eggs are also believed to have mood-boosting effects. Not to mention, eggs contain none of the depression worsening components–such as refined, simple sugars, chemical additives and sodium—that are found in many processed foods.

9. Strengthened Muscles

Aspiring body builders are often instructed to eat more eggs in order to ‘bulk up’. This is because eggs are rich in quality protein. Protein is essential for building living matter and therefore, contributes to the formation of all tissues in the body—including muscle tissue.

Strengthened Muscles When You Eat Eggs

10. Strengthened Bones and Teeth

Eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption calcium, an essential mineral for teeth and bone formation. Calcium also plays a role in heart and colon health.

11. Enhanced Liver Function

The choline in egg yolks protects the liver from several toxic substances while detoxifying heavy metals. The essential amino acids in eggs are required for the liver to perform the detoxification process.

12. Weight Loss

Eggs have a high satiating power in spite of the fact that they contain comparatively few calories. Eggs, will make you feel fuller for longer and you’ll therefore feel less likely to snack between meals.

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