Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful ways of bonding. It is not only normal, but extremely beneficial for the physical and mental development of the child. It also creates a bond between the mother and the child which is unexplainable and has benefits for the child as well as the mother.
Here are a few tips for the new moms, from experts and other moms:
1. Get Help
Don’t feel shy to talk to other mothers. When you are close to the due date, talk to a few moms about their experiences. Every case is different with its own problems, but you never know which tip may come in handy at the right time.
2. Don’t Miss the First Hour
The milk produced by the breast in the first hour of birth is called ‘Clostrum’. It contains antibodies which are extremely important for the baby. The baby just entered a completely different environment, and its body needs to adapt; for this purpose clostrum is tremendously beneficial.
Feeding in the first hour also helps your uterus to contract and return to its normal size after giving birth.
3. The Baby’s Feet
Veronica Jacobsen, a doula and lactation counselor in Richfield, Minnesota says that, the baby’s feet should be touching a nearby table, your leg, a pillow or something similar. This, for some reason makes the baby more comfortable and makes them feed easily.
4. Prevent Blocked Ducts
Carrying heavy diaper bags, sleeping on just one side, or carrying baby carriers add strain on your breasts which can block the ducts and cause uneven flow of milk.
5. Heal Damaged Nipples
“Use water-based hydrogel pads or apply enough purified lanolin to keep nipples moist between feedings.” –Mohrbacher
6. When to Give the Bottle?
Don’t wait 8 weeks to start the bottle as it can cause bottle refusal. After 4-6 weeks give your baby little bottled milk at a time.
7. Hydration
Stay hydrated so that your body produces enough milk. Sip a little water while feeding.
8. Increasing Milk Supply
The more you feed the more milk your body produces. Hence, when your baby is hungrier and growing, your body will produce milk accordingly.
Try not to induce pacifiers or bottles until breastfeeding is properly established, as it can confuse the child.
9. Mastitis or Breast Infection
“If you feel like you have flu and one breast is red, hot and sore, you probably have mastitis. You’ll likely need an antibiotic to clear up the infection. In the meantime, keep nursing and/or pumping on that side as much as you can, even though it hurts. To prevent mastitis, make sure you empty your breasts regularly. If you do take antibiotics, add a probiotic (good bacteria such as lactobacillus) supplement, or eat a container of live culture yogurt every day, to help prevent the next complication: thrush.”
10. The Milk Changes with Your Baby’s Size
As your baby grows, your breast milk changes accordingly. The mother’s body has an unexplainable bond with the child. The milk evolves as per the baby’