Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up On Your Skin


We always like to eat what tastes good, with little effort and no time to prepare it. In the end, we don’t even realize we have lost and feel the lack of energy. As a result, the skin turns pale, and might even have long-term impacts on the overall health. This is why a balanced diet is the key to a healthy life. You need to get the necessary vitamins if you want your body to function properly and avoid vitamin deficiencies.

However, there are some vitamins we can’t produce on our own. That is why we turn to good food for a healthy skin, vision, and immunity.

Vitamin A Deficiency

carrots for vitamin A deficiency

As a very important vitamin for vision, immunity, skin, and reproduction, Vitamin A should be consumed on a daily basis. However, the lack of this vitamin is obvious, especially when it shows on the skin. Few symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency are acne outbreak, dry lips, dry skin, and patches.

• If you believe you lack this important vitamin, try consuming more carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, peas, dried apricots, broccoli, etc.

Vitamin B2 Deficiency

yogurt for vitamin B2 deficiency

This vitamin is important for the production of energy, vision and skin quality. As such, it is easily recognizable if you lack it. Signs of vitamin B2 deficiency that can show on your skins are redness, rashes and cracked corners of the mouth.

• If you believe you need more of this vitamin, try consuming more yogurt, meat, whole grain cereals, egg white, and etc.

Vitamin B3 Deficiency

nuts for vitamin B3 deficiency

Without vitamin B3, your body can’t produce energy by converting proteins and fats. As a result, it can highly affect the nervous and digestive systems. This can lead to scaly sores on the skin and swelling of the tongue.

• In addition, you need to consume more nuts, mushrooms, cereals, and eggs that contain this vitamin.

Vitamin B6 Deficiency

eggs for vitamin B6 deficiency

As an important nutrient for the skin, low amounts of this vitamin can cause various symptoms such as flaky lips, skin itches and cracks on the corners of the mouth.

• Eat more eggs, poultry and, especially fish.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

dairy for vitamin B12

This vitamin is important for your nervous system, brain function and the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, you shouldn’t ignore it. Here are a few symptoms to recognize the deficiency of Vitamin B12 that can show on your skin, such as white patches and pigment disorder.

• Consume lamb, beef, oily fish, cheese, dairy, and eggs.

Vitamin C Deficiency

foods for vitaminC deficiency

C is a vitamin that our body can’t create naturally. It is a powerful antioxidant which is crucial for our body. Plus, you can easily recognize whether you lack this vitamin or not, simply because it shows on your skin. Such examples are dry skin, red dots, and rough skin. However, it might also cause nosebleeds, or in severe cases, delayed healing.

• If you think you lack vitamin C, consume more kiwi, tomatoes, cabbage, berries, spinach, lettuce etc.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Best-foods for vitamin D deficiency

If your bones feel weak, you need to consume more vitamin D. Maybe these symptoms will help you understand if you have, or don’t have this problem. Some of them can show on your skin such as flaky or irritated skin for example.

• Eat more eggs, cheese, fatty fish, and mushrooms.

Vitamin K Deficiency

leafy greens for vitamin K

Vitamin K is useful to boost blood coagulation and prevent blood clots. Common symptoms of vitamin K deficiency that show up on your skin are easy bruising and bleeding.

• Consume more dried herbs, soy beans, cauliflower, green leafy veggies etc.
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