5 Foods To Avoid Before Your Wedding Day


Weddings are indeed considered to be the biggest event of one’s life. We actually dream of this day since our childhood. Whether you are a boy or a girl one just can’t hide their excitement for this day. Apart from excitement, everyone wants to make this day a perfect memory for the bride and groom. Minute details are even given lot of attention in order to avoid any lope holes.

Bride and groom, the star of the event, try their best to mesmerize everyone through their looks on their big day. On one hand where everyone puts their all energy, time and struggle to arrange the best possible wardrobe for bride and groom, on the other hand, bride and groom also leave no efforts in maintaining themselves.

When it comes to natural beauty, food plays an active role in it. Before their wedding day, to-be-bride/groom need to avoid the following foods in order to look fab in their wedding outfit.

Pakora/ Samosa – Oil Loaded Food

We all are lovers of food. Oil-loaded food is generally considered to be our favorite snacks or on-the-go tit bits. But a month before your wedding day, put an end to all these cravings and avoid eating those pakoras, samosa and rolls. I know your anxiety must be on the peak, but try to control it some other way because you do not want to get pimples at this point in your life. Instead, go for some fresh fruits and nuts for healthy options. Keeping these on your kitchen counter will make it much easier for you to avoid the hunger pangs and indulging in unhealthy cravings.

Sweets, Chocolates- Sugar Fun

I know eating all those sugary chocolates and desserts is a bliss, but is certainly a big NO to-be-bride/groom before their big day. NO, you don’t want to destroy your teeth and that perfect figure that you’ve been struggling for since ages. Not now at least! You are happy we know it, you are excited we know it but don’t let your excitement pour out to indulge in these sweet treats. Portion control is the best remedy. If you are a fan of chocolates, go for dark chocolate. That wouldn’t hurt your waistline and will go easy on your adrenaline.

Imli, Khatary- Sourness blast

Who wants to be voiceless on their big day? I guess no one, but girls love sour things and when they are happy how can they say no to sour food? Just give a thought  before getting your hands on imili and stuff, you will be voiceless on your day. Say a big no to all this.

Junk Food

Cousins at home, it’s actually a party scene every other night before weeks of your wedding.  When we have those spicy fries, cheesy pizza, big zinger and garlic dips in front of us who cares about the weight, until you don’t get fit in your wedding dress. Wouldn’t it be a disaster? Control your cravings and don’t even think about eating junk. Try out some quick salads and sandwiches instead.

Dairy Products

It’s a common myth in our society that before your wedding day you need to drink tons of milk in order to be strong. But excessive intake of dairy products may lead to bloating, gas and cramps. You can have it but control the size.

Food can do magic to our body so eat wisely before your big day because you wouldn’t want to spoil it just because any of your stomach issues. Enjoy your day because it comes only once in your life. Have a happy life. J


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