Tips for Foot Care to Avoid Fungal Infection during Monsoon


Fungal infections of the toenails can be an embarrassing issue. It can happen to anyone but it doesn’t mean you can’t prevent it. First, let’s learn about the types of foot infections that you may suffer.

  • Onychomycosis is an infection that occurs when fungi get under the nails, the upside is that you can identify the infection easily. If you have this type of nail infection, your nail will appear discolored, thick, crusty, or distorted.
  • One may suffer from Athlete’s foot if you do not keep your feet dry. This will result in infection and painful blisters.
  • One can develop foot infection from a public pool, at the gym, public shower, or even unsanitary pedicure environment.
  • Diabetics and people with low immunity can also develop foot fungal disease.

Toenail fungus or fungal infections of the foot can be very hard to treat so it’s best to take proper safety precautions to avoid such infections. Below are few home remedies you need to include in your daily life to avoid foot infections.

  • Wear open sandals as much as possible. Fungi need a warm and wet condition to grow.
  • Thoroughly dry your feet if it gets wet during the rains or if your feet sweat a lot.
  • If you are used to wearing sneakers, shoes, or work out on a regular basis, make sure to wash your shoes once a month.
  • While wearing shoes for long hours use an anti-fungal dusting powder such as CLOCIP. Powder on your feet before you wear your socks.
  • Every week place your shoes under the direct sunlight to kill any unwanted microbes.


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