6 Diet Mistakes- Why You’re Not Losing Weight

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Do have an unhealthy relationship with your diet? Does it happen with you that every time you try to stick to your diet plan and be faithful to it, but end up grabbing a chocolate bar or pop corn to snack? You might be making diet mistakes then. Stop making diet mistakes and get in the pink with some easy weight loss tips.

Why You are Not Losing Weight on Diet

Don’t cheat your diet and start eating healthy food to shed those extra pounds. Here are some diet mistakes that are keeping you from getting in shape. Take a look.

Diet Mistake 1: Skipping Breakfast

Diet Mistake 1 Skipping Breakfast

You must have heard that breakfast is the main meal of the day. Well you’ve heard it right. Breakfast sure happens to be the major and essential meal of the day that must not be skipped anyway. When you wake up in the morning after eight hours of good night sleep, your body is famished and requires essential nutrients. If you don’t feed your body with diet essentials, it gets weak and you tend to eat more later during the day.

  • For your body to function optimally, kick start your day with a healthy breakfast that includes quality carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

Diet Mistake 2: Cutting Down Meals

Diet Mistake 2 Cutting Down Meals

Skipping meals affects your body glucose level. Stop skipping meals and eat full healthy meals regularly. If you are struggling to lose weight, you can always trim your meal size.

  • Opt for small frequent meals instead of full rich platter to satiate your food temptation.

Diet Mistake 3: Eating Out Hence Over Eating

Diet Mistake 3 Eating Out Hence Over Eating

You need to cope with the trend of dining out at a restaurant. Eating out once in a blue moon is okay. But if you happen to have one out of four meals in a restaurant often, this is sure not going to work for you. Get some tactics to deal with eating out.

Enjoy cooking meal at home if you want to look good and feel good. You don’t have to spend all your time cooking. Here are some quick and healthy food options.

  • The idea is to encourage healthy eating according to your nutritious diet plan.

Diet Mistake 4: Surviving on a Liquid Diet

Diet Mistake 4 Surviving on a Liquid Diet

This is the biggest diet mistake if you are doing this. Diet rich in non-fat milk, fruit juices, sugar-free soda, tea and coffee might get you prone to acid reflux. Don’t prolong the liquid diet. It‘ll work for a couple of days.

If you want to get on a liquid diet, avoid acidic fruits and juices. Good options may include avocado, carrot and papaya. You can also turn them into a smoothie for a delicious treat.

  • Instead of consuming juices, it’s better to eat fresh and raw fruit.

Diet Mistake 5: Nibbling on Bite-Size Snacks

Diet Mistake 5 Nibbling on Bite-Size Snacks

Craving for snacks is natural and absolutely fine. But focus on what you are snacking on. In-spite of eating fried potato chips, pop-corns and other processed foods, opt for some nuts such as almonds, cashews and walnuts. Processed foods have added salt and sugar whereas nuts are rich in vitamin E.

  • Flaxseeds are another good option.

Diet Mistake 6: Making Room for Desserts

Diet Mistake 6 Making Room for Desserts

Making room for desserts is not bad, but what’s more important is portion control. If you intend to diet, don’t starve yourself, eat healthy meals rich in fruits and veggies instead, and manage portion control- this is the best option on a diet.

  • Don’t eat the whole of that Belgian dark chocolate cake. Use teaspoon to have a bite. Don’t devour it but savor it to have that satiated feeling.
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