Today’s Horoscope 23rd Jan 2018

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Aries (21 March to 21 April)

You are feeling tired though there is no serious health issue. The pains and aches in your body are because you have used your mind too much in the past few days. Try to relax your mind and you’ll automatically feel better.

Taurus (22 April to 20 May)

You can hear some news about your close friends that may sound juicy but can not necessarily be true. Think twice before reaching to any conclusion.

Gemini (21 May to 21 June)

You are facing some problems regarding your home. To resolve the issues you need to deal with people whom it’s not easy to talk. Handle the situation in a smart and practical way.

Cancer (22 June to 23 July)

The situation at home is getting worse and that makes you think about bringing a big change in the household. Think before taking any final decision as many people will be affected by the step you take.

Leo (24 July to 23 Aug)

You can face financial crisis today. You’ll be disappointed not to get the amount you were expecting to get. However, you still can’t lose hope. Things will get better gradually.

Virgo (24 Aug to 23 Sep)

The project on which you are working has not received much appreciation so far and you are also not getting any help from people around you. That makes you feel not-so-confident about your decision. You should shake off such thoughts from your mind and stay focused.

Libra (24 Sep to 23 Oct)

You are emotionally upset and do not know how to react. To avoid any embarrassment in the future try to make a sketch of the possible consequences in your mind of the way you behave.

Scorpio (24 Oct to 22 Nov)

You want to move to a fairyland today. You are not always like this but seems like you do not have any control on yourself. If there is not any urgent liability, listen to your heart.

Sagittarius (23 Nov to 22 Dec)

Some of your friends have really hurt you and that is making you really angry. Your anger is not out of question here but you still need to calm down before saying anything.

Capricorn (23 Dec to 20 Jan)

You are feeling sad for no good reason. Your friends and family are worried about you. Although, you don’t feel like it, socializing can really help you get back to life.

Aquarius (21 Jan to 19 Feb)

One of your friends is asking you for a loan but you are not very sure about his intentions. Still, you do not have the courage to say no. Think twice and help only those who genuinely need your help.

Pisces (20 Febto 20 March)

What people are saying is hurting you. You want to hide in your protective shell but it is best to reply back using the same tactic they use on you.

Read: Yesterday Horoscope

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