Dental Care during Pregnancy
Pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges; heck, no one said it would be easy. As much as it’s important to take care of your diet; it’s also extremely important to take care of your oral hygiene.
Pregnancy changes your hormone levels which increases risk of gum diseases. A recent research in Finland showed that during the second and third trimesters, the levels of estrogen in the saliva are much higher than in non-pregnant women. This changes the way your body reacts to the bacteria and pathogens; causing a high risk of gingivitis (swelling of the gums) in pregnant females.
As much as the body is prone to gum diseases in pregnancy; it is not impossible to prevent them. It is often asked, if getting annual dental cleaning by a dentist safe during pregnancy. The answer is, it is not only safe, but it is also recommended. Preventive dental work during pregnancy is extremely important to avoid gum diseases.
The mouth is the gateway to the body. If your oral hygiene is poor and your mouth is not clean, it will affect your child as well.
“Bacteria from the mouth enters the blood stream and harms the baby.”
It is however very important to let your dentist know that you are pregnant. During the first trimester and second half of the third trimester, dental work should be avoided. However, routine dental work can take place during the second trimester. Make sure to tell your dentist the names and dosage of all the drugs you have been taking, including multi vitamins and supplements.
Avoid Getting X-Rays, However If Necessary
Make sure your dentist follows the protocol to protect you from harmful x-rays. If you see any change in your gums, especially bleeding while brushing, make sure you let your dentist know, and get the problem fixed as soon as possible.
Use Of Mild-Tasting Tooth Paste
If the tooth paste or mouthwash causes morning sickness and makes you vomit, ask your dentist for a mild-tasting tooth paste. Make sure not to compromise on your oral health as frequent vomiting makes the pH of mouth acidic- causing erosion of teeth. Once you lose your tooth surface, you can never gain it back, and your teeth become more prone to caries and eventually rot away.
Regular Mouth Gargles
Frequent vomiting or changes in hormones can also cause mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers are very common in pregnancy. Burning in the mouth and bad breath often accompany these mouth ulcers. It is important for mother-to-be to deal with these efficiently. Use salt water to gargle, or mouth wash to keep your mouth’s pH level balanced. Eat food containing less spice, consume fruits and vegetables. Take adequate rest and have a good night’s sleep. Also exercise or walk regularly to keep a good blood circulation.
During pregnancy women tend to consume a healthy diet keeping in mind the child’s health. However, it is important to remember that your hygiene also has a direct effect on the child’s health, and the oral hygiene mainly determines what goes inside your body. If the bacteria in our mouth increases and enters the blood stream, the child will directly be harmed.