All About Post-Partum Depression


Many mothers experience post-partum depression, but most suffer in silence. It is very common, yet no one talks about it, but we are here to discuss it!

Post-Partum Depression (PPD) is a highly stigmatized yet commonly experienced side to motherhood. Due to the social stigma, its estimated prevalence rate of 22% is considered to be on the lower side.

PPD lasts from 3-6 months post-delivery and in some instances for up to 12 months.

The symptoms include:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Uncontrolled crying
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of sleep
  • Self-intrusive or suicidal thoughts
  • Psychosis (in an intense case)

The best way to manage PPD is by:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings and stop blaming yourself. If you find it hard to bond with the baby, remember, it is okay.
  2. Find moments of the day when you find yourself at peace. It could be a hot bath, a chat with a friend or simply, a walk around the house.
  3. Maintain a journal or take out time to write about what you are going through. Then, try to take out time (even 5-10 minutes is enough) to do the things that calm your nerves.
  4. Talk about your feelings to anyone you trust. The best would be to find a person in your life who has delivered a baby recently. She may have undergone the same and can definitely help you feel like you’re not the only one.
  5. Even if you can’t exercise in those initial days, start doing light stretches and breathing exercises. Some relaxing yoga can work too! Set up a workout regime once you get the green signal to exercise from your doctor.

If things seem out of hand, it is best to consult a professional. PPD will soon be in your past with the correct therapy and medication!

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