Metabolic Syndrome

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Metabolic syndrome is basically a combination of a few different conditions, that when present in a person together, can lead to the development of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The following conditions constitute metabolic syndrome:

  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
  • Increased body fat around the waist
  • High blood cholesterol levels
  • High blood triglyceride levels


Most of the conditions associated with metabolic syndrome can be attributed to obesity. The following causes are linked to the development of metabolic syndrome:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Smoking
  • Insulin resistance (because of obesity)


The disorders that are associated with metabolic syndrome usually don’t have very visible clinical signs and symptoms. The only visible sign is an increased waist circumference. If the patient has developed diabetes due to constantly increased blood sugar, the signs and symptoms of diabetes can be observed, which are:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Increased hunger


The criterion for diagnosing a person as a patient of this health condition is that they must have 3 of the following conditions:

  • Large waist circumference
  • High triglyceride level
  • High cholesterol level
  • High blood sugar
  • High blood pressure


Metabolic conditions can not exactly be completely treated, but they can be managed by losing weight, and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Some medications can also be used to lower the cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

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