If you want to lose weight, keep your liver healthy!


People don’t normally think about liver health and weight loss simultaneously. Many don’t even know how closely the two are related.

If you’re trying to lose weight by cutting down on carbohydrates and fats, but it’s not really happening helping you the way it should, the answer could be your liver.

So how does weight gain correlate with liver functions?

Liver is the main organ for almost all important metabolic reactions in our body. This naturally involves breaking down of fat. It is brought about by the production of bile, which is responsible for fat breakdown along with removal of harmful toxins in the blood. If you have an active, functional liver, your body becomes active as well.

With compromised liver function comes inadequate fat metabolism and it is followed by increased toxins in the body, which further hinder the liver function. When the prime detoxification and fat-burning organ is compromised like that, guess what follows.

Yes, weight gain.

Here are a few things you need to be mindful of in order to protect your liver:


Consuming alcohol can damage your liver in more ways than you can imagine. Alcohol turns some liver cells into fat and since the liver cannot feel much, people are unable to realize its deterioration until it is too late. Drinking alcohol can damage the liver (cirrhosis) and lead to other complications.


When we start gaining weight, the fats in our body begin to accumulate in our liver, making it fattier and this creates hindrances for the liver functions.


If one consumes certain drugs excessively, it can cause jaundice, liver granulomas, and other acute liver disorders, all of which can eventually damage the liver.

However, even if you indulge in any of the above mentioned problems, you should not lose hope. Don’t think it’s too late for your liver to be healthy again. One of the good things about this organ is its regenerating capacity. Even in a condition as severe as cirrhosis, if the disease is diagnosed in its early stages, there still lies a chance of recovery.

One way of cleansing your liver is by decreasing the amount of carbohydrates you intake. This is especially important if you are overweight and are experiencing fluctuating sugar levels. These are usually indicative of a clogged liver.

With clogged liver comes imbalance in fat storage and breakdown. When the liver is faced with such a challenge, it starts storing more fat than breaking it down; hence the elevated triglycerides. To maintain normal triglyceride levels and keep your liver healthy, don’t snack between meals and don’t eat after dinner. Follow these two rules religiously for a healthy weight loss and a healthy liver.

Another way to get your liver to work it is by eating protein for breakfast. Understanding the importance of this rule is closely related to exercise. With frequent exercise, the liver sends fuel to the muscles which keeps everything in balance.

Lastly, exercise, to help a fatty liver. Exercise works for both weight loss and a healthy liver!

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