Which Board Game Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Find out which classic board games are you according to your astrology sign:
Aries: Ludo
Aries are very patients and have a competitive nature; they like a slow win and love to tease and brag about their win to other players. So, the suitable game for them is the second most played board game, Ludo.
Taurus: Monopoly
Tauruses are a strategist and know how to deal with resources and money. They love planning and knows exactly what the right move is. That is why Monopoly, the most played game like darts, is the best game for them as they know how to build and run a business.
Gemini: Scrabble
Geminis are great with words. They have an intellectual and creative mind. The board game Scrabble suits Gemini’s personality as they love reading and writing. And once you are playing against them there are no chances for you to beat their highest score.
Cancer: Sequence
Cancers are fun, creative, and emotional. They don’t like to lose and at the same time don’t want their friends to lose. So, they love board games which are not at all competitive such as Sequence. It’s the perfect astrology game for Cancer’s as they just want to have fun and spend some quality time with loved ones without being too competitive.
Leo: Pictionary
Leos are considered as an artist and loves when others praise them for their creative drawing skills. The best board game for them is Pictionary. Leo’s passion for drawing makes them a great player at this board game. So, next time when you are playing Pictionary always choose a Leo as your team member.
Sagittarius: Chess
Sagittarians are very intelligent and clever. When playing a board game, it is not hard for them to predicts the opponent’s moves. They plan and strategize their moves so that the opponent believes it’s them who are winning the game. The best board game according to Sagittarian’s personality is none other than Chess.