8 Best Foods to Lose Weight


When we talk about losing weight, the questions which arise in the mind are that how many calories will we have to burn in a day, how many hours of exercise will we have to do and most of all, what foods to lose weight will we have to consume

Best Foods to Lose Weight

Through this particular article, we will describe some of the best foods to lose weight which you can incorporate in your diet to achieve your desired weight loss goals.

1. Eggs

Rich in protein and healthy fats, eggs are one of the essential foods when it comes to losing weight. The yolk as well as the egg white has nutrients in abundance. Apart from that, they have the tendency to reduce the amount of food intake, hence reducing the calorie count.

2. Green Vegetables

Green Vegetables Foods to Lose Weight

Green vegetables such as, spinach, bitter gourd, kale etc. are great to lose weight. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients, these are essential when it comes to weight loss. They are rich in fiber content in contrast to carbohydrates and fats, which are comparatively low in number.

3. Fish

fish Foods to Lose Weight

Fish is a powerhouse when it comes to weight loss foods. Comprising of all the vital components, it is a must have when it comes to losing weight. High in Omega-3 fatty acids, it helps reduce the amount of inflammation. Apart from that, seafood generally contains a surplus amount of iodine which is necessary for proper functioning of thyroid gland, hence improving the metabolism of the body.

4. Potatoes for Weight Loss

potato for weight loss

Potatoes? I know, this is an ambiguous food item when it comes to losing weight. Potato itself is not bad, but as a matter of fact, it is one of the most complete nutrient providing foods. Potatoes, when boiled will give you the most benefit. The reason behind is that, after the boiling and cooling down procedure, potato forms a resistant starch, which acts as a fiber and helps with weight loss.

5. Apples

apple Foods to Lose Weight

Apples can be taken as a great remedy as far as weight loss is concerned. Being rich in pectin, apples generally slow the process of digestion in the body hence making the person feel full most of the time. So, if you feel full you will not eat more food, simple as that. It also contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are also necessary for proper functional integrity of the body.

6. Bananas

Bananas Foods to Lose Weight

Just like a cooled potato, bananas are also composed of the resistant starch. Apart from that, bananas are a high source of potassium, which is good for the heart health as it can regulate blood pressure. It also helps replenish energy after a strenuous workout in a jiffy.

7. Cabbage

Cabbage Foods to Lose Weight

Cabbage, being high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, can be a great asset when it comes to weight loss. Cabbage being low in calories can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be used in different salads, soups etc.

8. Carrots

Carrots Foods to Lose Weight

High in beta carotene, antioxidants and vitamins, carrots can be of great importance as far as weight loss foods are concerned. Giving a feeling of fullness, carrots can decrease the calorie intake. They also contribute to good eye sight and a good immune system.

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