Annoying Relationship Questions and How to Answer Them

Tired of people poking their nose in your personal relationships? Here’s how to tackle those pesky questions


Whether you are single or committed, there is no way for you to shield yourself from the incessant relationship questions people love to ask. One moment you are having a seemingly intellectual conversation with a friend and before you know it, a stream of inappropriate questions makes its way to you. Just slap me in the face, why don’t you.

“Are you single? Are you and (insert relevant name) dating?” 

And there you are, wondering when and how that became anyone’s business.

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Source: Google

What is even more bizarre is the fact that sometimes they come from people who you barely talk to- hello, acquaintance, would you like to know my blood type too?

If you’ve been the center of several awkward questions, it is time you armor yourself with the appropriate responses. The sleeves have been rolled up, aunty.

1. Are you single?

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Source: Giphy

So you have a few friends of the opposite gender and it just isn’t enough to satiate the gossip mongers’ appetite. Therefore sly, seemingly innocent questions about your relationship status will make their way to you. You can either reply in the affirmative and avoid follow-up questions, or swiftly tell the person to mind their own business. Those who are meant to know, do not have to ask.

2. How about that guy?

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Source: Giphy

If your answer to the first question is that you are indeed single, they will start pairing you up with random people. If this makes you uncomfortable, as it likely does, then you need to get yourself some new friends. Leaving is sometimes the best response.

If you aren’t willing to leave these friends behind, then simply- and very consistently- change the topic. If done effectively, this will discourage the investigators permanently.

3. Have your parents started looking for a rishta?

You could be a 16 year old school girl or a 23 year old boy planning his career, and you will still get this question. Have your parents started looking for a rishta? However, if by any chance you have even slightly exceeded the shaadi cut-off age set by our society, the only topic everyone will discuss with you is marriage. It does not matter to them if you have a successful career or are struggling to settle down. Apparently, the one and only thing our society really wants is to see us all happily married. With a bunch of kids. Oh, joy.

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Source: Google

Dealing with this one requires tact. You will have to direct the discussion towards them. If you want to do it politely, you can ask them about any of their recent activities. However, if they have really gotten on your nerves and you are feeling mean, you can dig out the skeletons in their closet. Ask them about their son’s exam result that you know he has flunked. This will serve them right.

However, be prepared to hear sentences like ‘that girl/guy is too smart for their own good’ about you.

Fun Fact: Even if you decide to tie the knot, they will not stop pestering you. You know there will be other follow up questions like ‘So when is the baby coming?’ or ‘How many children are you planning to have.

The bottom line is your friends (supposed), family, and acquaintances will never stop asking you awkward relationship questions. Tackle them using our tips and you will be good to go.

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