10 Tips for a Safe Pregnancy After a Miscarriage


Let’s talk about miscarriage first. If the pregnancy ends spontaneously before the 20th week of the pregnancy then it is called a miscarriage. There could be many reasons and sometimes the cause is unknown. So, give yourself some time to recover mentally and physically, so that you plan out for the future and do not be scared of conceiving again. According to the studies you still have 15 percent chance of conceiving after three consecutive sporadic miscarriages. Following are a few useful pregnancy tips that you can follow after a miscarriage.

1. Give Yourself Some Time

A miscarriage is not something that one can forget easily. It is a feeling of loss which cannot be replaced. Give yourself some time before you try to conceive again. Mental health is as important as physical health so make sure that you are emotionally stable before going for it. Trying to conceive six months after a miscarriage will improve your chances of getting pregnant. However, do not wait for too long because that will make it harder for you to conceive.

2. Physical Health

Physical recovery is very important before you try conceiving, so let the time play its part. The endometrial lining of the uterus needs to be strong to maintain the pregnancy so wait for a few months.

3. Talk to Your Gynecologist

Keep a check on your cycles and consult your gynecologist. Your doctor will recommend a few tests to check whether or not your body is healthy enough to conceive.

4. Hormonal Tests

Your gynecologist may recommend a few tests to find out the reason behind the previous miscarriage. The doctor will probably tell you to get your FSH levels checked and ensure that your hormones are fine. If not, the gynecologist will prescribe a few medicines which will balance your hormones.

5. Chromosomes

This probably sounds strange, but your chromosomes could be the reason behind your miscarriage too. In case of 3 consecutive miscarriages, the chromosomal test of both the partners may be required.

6. Ultrasound

If your doctor tells you to get an ultrasound done, it is important. You could possibly be having PCOS and not know about it. So, do not ignore it and get one done as soon as your doctor tells you to.

7. Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is a procedure or a test in which a small tube with a tiny camera is inserted into the cervix to examine the uterus and the fallopian tubes. This is to make sure that there is no problem in the linings which caused the miscarriages and whether or not it is safe to go for conceiving.

8. Sonohysterogram

A fluid is inserted in the uterus through cervix to find out any issue in the uterus lining. This test determines whether or not it is safe to get pregnant again.

 9. Boost Fertility

Several things help boost your fertility. Take vitamins supplements and folic acid. There are little things that can help you boost your fertility. Food is the main thing. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fiber and fresh juices must be a part of your everyday routine to ensure a safe pregnancy.

10. Drugs

Smoking, drinking alcohol or any sort of drug is extremely harmful during pregnancy. If it does not harm you, it will surely harm the baby. Even if you do not go through a miscarriage, your baby may have abnormalities, so it is better that you do not engage into such bad habits.

All of these things have an important role in ensuring safe pregnancies, however, do not stress out too much. Stress is the major cause of many diseases and your body starts to act in an abnormal manner.

Reviewed by Dr. Ejaz Fatima
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