Vitamin D, the New Sweetheart
Vitamin C and E have always had the spotlight in the vitamin industry, but now it seems that the much ignored vitamin D just might be becoming the sweetheart it has always deserved to be.
The Truth About Vitamin D
Many are aware of vitamin D’s role in making bones stronger and durable, but research has now made evident that its role extends beyond the function of calcium absorption. Scientists say that lack of this vitamin is associated with bigger and deadlier conditions such as osteoporosis (bone fracturing) rickets (bone softening in children), osteomalacia (bone softening in adults), Type 1 diabetes, and colon and breast cancer. Vitamin D supplements have shown to contribute to the treatment of autism, autoimmune disorders (the body’s own immune system attacks itself), depression and weight gain. Scientists don’t know how exactly this vitamin works in the prevention and treatment of disease, but a relationship between has definitely been established!
Let’s have a look at all the natural sources of vitamin D:
The easiest approach to getting this vitamin is through sunlight. Sunlight initiates vitamin D formation in the body. Sunlight through a window won’t be very helpful. Go outside for a walk around the park, or if you are near the ocean, go to the beach. However, make sure you don’t stay too long under the sun – 20-25 minutes directly under the sun is more than enough, because the ultraviolet rays are associated with skin cancer.
Besides sunlight, fatty fish also makes a great source of this vitamin. Oily or fatty fish is different from the non-oily one in that it contains approximately 13% greater amount of healthy fat than the non-oily variety. Not just Vitamin D, you also a get a bonus-heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well.
Tuna is another food to add to your daily intake of vitamin D dose. A hundred grams of famous saltwater- fin fish is loaded with 69 International Units (IU) of vitamin D.
100 grams of boiled egg contains 81 IU of vitamin D. There are only a handful of vital nutrients that eggs don’t have. They are loaded with them all, so go ahead and make them sunny side up!
Have you been picking out mushrooms from the fettuccini you love so much, and neatly placing them on the side of your plate? Would you still do that if you knew mushrooms are a great natural source of the sunshine vitamin that you need for many reasons? Just as humans, mushrooms produce vitamin D on exposure to sunlight. However, many are grown in the dark and may not be as pumped with vitamin D. So, make sure you check the brand and its reliability before buying them.
Cow’s Milk
Has your mom forced you into having a glass of milk every day for breakfast when you were younger? Now since you’re old enough to take care of yourself, have you stopped? If yes, then it’s time to refresh some old habits and get some hands on that cow’s milk which is crammed with our favorite vitamin.
Beef Liver
Although this option might not come off as too appealing to everyone, and any vegetarian readers might also feel a clench in their throats (I apologize in advance!), a 3.5-ounce serving of cooked beef liver contains about 50 IUs of vitamin D. If you are overweight, or overcome with heart disease, you should definitely go for another suitable option, because beef liver is high in cholesterol.
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil constitutes one of the best sources of vitamin D. However, some kinds of cod liver oil contain an excess of Vitamin A which may not always be good. So, be vigilant while out looking for this oil.
Have you received your blood reports, and noticed your vitamin D levels are low? Sardines to the rescue! 100 grams of sardines contain up to 193 IU of vitamin D.
Another rich source of the bone-forming vitamin D is none other than salmon. Wild salmon has been acknowledged as the top vitamin D source.
Now you know that sunshine and sea-food is the best way to avoid osteoporosis and osteomalacia along with several other disorders!