13 home-remedies brides-to-be can apply for gorgeous hair


Asians believe in grand weddings and, without any doubt, the bride is the star of these events. The bride herself goes to every extreme in order to improve skin and hair, to look great on her big day.

In order to get quick results, there are hundreds of treatments available but for hair, rarely any treatment gives you your desired results. I personally am always against the use of chemicals when it comes to hair. I prefer one should use natural products. I have some amazing tips which all brides-to-be can use and they will be shocked to see the results.

1) We believe that using a lot of oil on your hair gives you best results but this is not the case. In order to get rid of oil, one has to use a lot of shampoo and one ends up damaging hair – which I believe no one wants.

2) Always remember, brides-to-be need to oil their hair twice in a week and oil should be lukewarm. Using warm oil gives you quick results. You can add few drops of lemon and vinegar in your oil, which brings shine to your hair.

3) We use multiple masks on our hair but using natural masks generally surprises everyone. Egg and lemon mask has amazing and quick results.  Yogurt, egg white and lemon also give shine and volume to your hair. For every mask, mix all the ingredients in equal quantity.

4) Before a month of your wedding, brides-to-be can start using the mixture of onion juice and ginger and results will leave them thrilled. This mixture not only gives volume but also increase the growth of your hair.

5) Make sure you comb your hair properly five minutes in the morning and five minutes before going to bed. Comb you hair in detail; upward and downward.

6) Never leave oil on your hair more than three hours.

7) Never use warm water on your hair.

8) Once in a week, after oiling your hair, cover your hair with warm towel for half an hour.

9) Always dilute your shampoo before using it on your hair. Use as less shampoo as possible.

10) Use wide comb on your hair first and then use brush.

11) Whatever totka you use, never use shampoo directly. First wash your hair with only water and leave it for some time. You can use shampoo in the next turn.

12) Massage your hair without oil every time before going to bed.

13) You can massage your hair with lukewarm vinegar on alternate days.

By following all these measure, you will see change in your hair within a week. Treat your hair gently. Don’t use any chemical and avoid making tight buns. To all the brides-to-be, take good care of yourself as this time will never come back!

Enjoy the wedding season everyone!

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