10 ways you are damaging your hair

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It’s not easy to have a good hair day every day, but you try your best at it. What’s even more difficult is to try and rescue it from all the damage that has happened to it because of your trying. With an ample amount of product usage and styling tools, your hair is meant to go from yay to nay

The solution is not home remedies all the way. It’s more to the side of precautions you can take to avoid this damage in the first place. We do these common mistakes almost on a daily basis, that ruin our hair, and little do we pay heed to how much harm this actually is causing us.

1. Shampooing every day!

When in doubt, hair ought to be washed as regularly as required. Most beauticians expect that to be a wash each a few days. This is particularly valid for individuals who color their hair, as over-washing can dull the dynamic quality of their shade. Obviously, there are different elements included. All things considered, take a chance at washing with water, scouring the scalp, and conditioning the bottom only.

In case you’re managing a super sleek scalp, try a hydrating cleanser and conditioner. It sounds unreasonable, yet your body might be producing more oil because of dryness – endeavoring to actually settle the issue. Second, invest into some dry shampoo to broaden the time between washes.

2. Conditioning gone wrong

To maintain a strategic distance from oily strands, apply conditioner on the ends of the hair, where it genuinely needs hydration – not the scalp. Begin with a sum about the span of a vast pea, and attempt to scatter it uniformly all through the hair. If necessary, increase the amount, however, never surpass a quarter size.

3. Brushing wet hair

Wet hair is much weaker than dry hair, so treat it thoroughly. One of the most exceedingly terrible things you can do is pull a brush through it, compelling tangles separated. Rather, take a stab at brushing your hair before bouncing in the shower to work out bunches and freshen up the roots.

Amid your shower, think about using a wide-toothed comb over your strands. After, using a brush to work out tangles from the base, work your way up to the roots for the minimum harm. Main concern: Use a brush just on dry hair and a wide-toothed brush on wet hair.

4. Roughly drying hair with towel

This isn’t the most exceedingly awful thing you can do, yet it’s certainly not the best. After shower, do not rub your hair with a towel vigorously, tenderly smudge rather. Blotching won’t harsh up the fingernail skin and cause frizz. Want to go the extra mile? Utilize a paper towel to dry your hair. This is the most tender, if not the most down to earth, technique conceivable.

5. Too hot with hot-tools

Using a hot tool on wet hair is the most harmful thing you can do to your hair. It will only burn the strands and nothing more. So never be too quick to use any tool too hot and know the correct temperature for your hair type.

6. Using too many styling products

It’s best to keep these products at bay and try to use them at least as possible. The more chemicals you put into your hair, the worse they become in the long term.

7. Avoiding your hair trims

Everyone wants to have luscious long hair, but little do we know, that to achieve it, we need to first cut it. Your hair will only grow strong and healthy when you cut the split-ends and have regularly (every 6 weeks) hair trims.

8. Go easy on the color

If you love to dye your hair, also know that it comes with consequences too. Too frequent of hair color appointments damage the hair and leave them feeling rough and unconditioned.

9. Elastic Bands

Sometimes you don’t want your hair on the face, but you need to let them breathe too. Try letting them down once in a while so they’re not always tugged and pulled.

10. Silk Pillowcases

Even though we may feel that pillowcases won’t make such a great difference. They do. Cotton pillowcases may leave your hair frizzy in the morning, whereas silk or satin pillowcases will leave them soft.


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