10 tips to protect your hair against winter


After facing one of the most scorching summers in the history of Karachi, we finally have a change in weather and wisps of the winter air have started entertaining the city during the evening hours and early morning.

It is true that majority people love winters. We get to wear some really cool clothes, jackets and above all we can enjoy the weather without fear of sweat or sunburns. On one hand, where there are number of advantages of winter, on the other hand it’s an extremely difficult task to deal with your hair. They become extremely dry, sometimes you can feel a king of current in your hair, and letting your hair down in winter always results in a disaster.

But there is no need to be saddened. There are some really practical remedies and precautionary measures which will help you enjoy winters with every possible hairstyle:

1) Don’t wash your hair with warm water. Try to use lukewarm water as warm water takes away all the moisture of your hair, resulting in dryness.

2) Prolonged exposure of your hair to cold would destroy them, so at times try wearing hats or scarves.

3) Never wear hats used by someone else.

4) Try to wear cotton hats.

5) Avoid using coconut oil in winters; instead use olive oil and almond oil on your hair as they contain vitamin E.

6) Avoid using strong conditioners, use medium ones and never use conditioner on your scalp.

7) Oiling in winter is very important; oil your hair every alternate day in winters.

8) Shampooing should be reduced in winter, do not use excess amount of shampoo on your hair.

9) Use conditioner every time you shampoo your hair.

10) Avoid extreme hot exposure to your hair; do not sit too close to heaters.

Winter in indeed love and I can already see everyone is very excited about it. By following these really simple measures, you can enjoy the weather with your healthy hair.

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