Today’s Horoscope 1st Oct 2017


Aries (21 March to 21 April)

Do what you really like to do today as you have time for that. Tell people how much you love them. Love your friends.

Taurus (22 April to 20 May)

You should not ignore the problems. Face them with courage. Every problem has to end one day. Work hard for a brighter future.

Gemini (21 May to 21 June)

Have a good with some old friends. You are noticing some changes in your personality and in your opinions about others. Don’t take too much stress of the little things.

Cancer (22 June to 23 July)

You shouldn’t be lying with people who are close to you. Start speaking truth not only to others but also to yourself. Do not hide from problems. Son you’ll feel relieved.

Leo (24 July to 23 August)

Your business will boost in the coming weeks. You have to work a little more hard. The agreement you are about to sign will be really helpful for your future projects.

Virgo (24 August to 23 September)

You are always considered very brave and determined. You also need to keep your moral high. Everything will settle the way you want. You don’t need to be worried about anything.

Libra (24 September to 23 October)

Some people are plotting a scheme against you.. Try to be cautious and do not let anyone hurt you. Spend more time with family. Visit some new place with your loved ones.

Scorpio (24 October to 22 November)

Make plans for your future. It’s been a long time you have gone out of town. Plan a trip with family or friends. You’ll have the best time ever.

Sagittarius (23 November to 22 December)

You have to do your work efficiently as this can open ways for your promotion. Your boss is going to be so happy with you if this works. Hope for a salary increment as well.

Capricorn (23 December to 20 January)

You can face minor problems with family. You have to handle things wisely. Only you can manage them all.

Aquarius (21 January to 19 February)

You can be a little under the weather today. Be careful in your food choices. Go for a complete check up if possible.

Pisces (20 February to 20 March)

Give time to people you care for. They really need your time. You need to tell them that you love them and care for them.

Read Yesterday Horoscope

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