Why You are Always Cold?

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Feeling chilly when the AC is blasting is one thing. But if you’re always cold, then it’s time to consider the symptoms. If you find yourself frequently reaching for the thermostat and wondering ‘Why am I so cold?’ you may very well have cold intolerance. And while feeling a tad chilly is nothing to worry about, especially for women, it is still something worth checking with your doctor about if it persists. In some instances, being constantly cold can be a sign of a serious health problem and proper diagnosis is required to find the cause.

You are Too Thin

Low body weight can chill you out for a couple of reasons. First, when you’re underweight, you lack an adequate level of body fat to insulate you from cold temperatures. The other thing is, you have to reduce your food intake, so you likely aren’t eating very much at all. Skimping on calories puts the brakes on your metabolism, so you don’t create enough body heat. Consider putting on a few pounds by loading up on whole, healthy foods that contain lots of protein, healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates.

You Don’t Get Enough Iron

Low iron level is also one of the most common reasons for chronic coldness. Because, iron is a key mineral that helps red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, bringing heat and other nutrients to every cell in your system. Without enough iron, red blood cells can’t effectively do their job, and you shiver.

Iron supplements can help, but the best way to boost your iron intake is through healthy food, meat, eggs, leafy greens such as spinach and seafood are the best options.

You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause disorder on your nervous system. It’s not clear why this happens. Studies suggest that in response to the stress of not getting quality snooze time, there’s a reduction in activity in the hypothalamus, the control panel of the brain where body temperature is regulated. Metabolism may be a culprit here as well. When you’re tired from a restless night your metabolism works at a slower pace, producing less heat and slower circulation.

Thyroid Problems

A person, whose thyroid gland is damaged or has to be removed, invariably suffers from reduced cold tolerance. It is therefore said that an underactive thyroid may lead to persistent feelings of cold.

The hypothalamus part of brain instructs the thyroid gland to rev up or slow down metabolism. As a result, the thyroid is responsible for burning calories to generate heat. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) doesn’t produce sufficient levels of the hormone thyroxine, which causes metabolism to slow and often leaves you feeling cold all over. Women are particularly at risk of an underactive thyroid.

You’re Overweight

If being underweight can make you feel cold all the time then surely being overweight will therefore help you to keep warm? After all, it makes sense that body fat can act as insulation, helping to retain body heat. Being overweight does indeed reduce heat loss around the abdomen. However, in difference, heat loss through the hands and feet actually increases with body fat level.

In short, don’t assume that just because someone is overweight that they feel less cold than their slimmer colleagues.


Diabetes can result in circulatory problems, high blood pressure, and thyroid issues, all of which increase the risk of cold hands and feet. Constant exposure to elevated blood glucose levels can also damage blood vessel walls, increasing the risk of fatty plaque build-ups. Over time, diabetes can lead to nerve damage, which causes numbness and pain in the hands and feet.

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