Gray Hair to Black Hair-6 Home Remedies
Desi women are plagued with the curse, that is, premature graying of hair. Not that it’s exclusive to women from the subcontinent, it is generally a prevalent problem with dark hair. Grey hair can be caused by several different reasons. Use of harsh chemicals present in gels and hair sprays are causing grey hair in men and women prematurely. Similarly, lack of proper hair care including unhealthy eating habits, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency can be a huge contributing factor. One of the most common causes is familial history. Hereditary premature graying affects 1 in every 3 people with white hair. Other common causes include pollution, smoking and the obvious one, aging. Stress can also be a trigger for graying along with wrinkles and early menopause. However, you can always try these home remedies for gray hair and turn them into natural looking black colour.
There are many ways you can use natural, less harmful, cheap ways to get rid of your pre- grays other than using harsh bleaching and coloring techniques. Try these home remedies to darken your hair
1. Henna
This is one of the most common and an old hair coloring technique, which has been used by our grandmothers and mothers. Henna not only imparts a beautiful color to your hair but also gives them a distinct glow and strength. It also stays on much longer than artificial hair dyes
- Just mix crushed henna with water to make a paste.
- Apply to hair; root to tip, using gloves, otherwise the strong color will stay on your hands.
- Keep on till it dries and then wash and condition hair as you normally would.
- Rinse for a longer time to really get all the paste out.
- The smell may take a few days to get out but, it’s totally worth it.
2. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Commonly known as ‘Amla’, Indian gooseberry is used in nearly every hair product that promises healthy luscious hair. Amla can simply be taken orally in the form of juice that not only returns the pigment to the hair, but, also rejuvenates your skin and is generally good for the health. Another method amla can be used, is by boiling some leaves with coconut oil till it turns black and apply this concoction to the hair once or twice a week.
3. Ginger
A preventative measure for older men and women, who wish to delay hair graying, is to take crushed ginger with a teaspoon of honey every day. This will definitely slow the process.
4. Black Tea
- Take 4 to 6 sachets of black tea and add to 2 glasses of boiling water.
- Let this sit for a while till the tea becomes very strong in color.
- Add a pinch of salt to this mixture and massage onto scalp.
- Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Rinse with water.
5.Rosemary and Sage
These herbs can naturally color the hair.
- Boil half a cup of both herbs till the water darkens.
- Apply this to the hair after shampoo and let it sit for 20-25 minutes.
- The longer you let it stay, the darker the color will be.
- Rinse it out with water.
6. Almond Oil
- Mix one part almond oil with one part amla and a few drops of lemon juice.
- Apply this to the hair to prevent premature graying.