5 Food Combinations That Speed Up Weight Loss
You must have heard the phrase ‘matches are made in heaven but did you know that some are made on plates too. Yes, that is right, there are some food combinations together to speed up your fitness journey. Here are five food combinations you need to try now.
Fruits with Greek Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a source of calcium and protein, while fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Together, these foods are great for your gut.
Multi-grain Bread with Eggs
Eggs are a high source of protein and, multi-grain bread is loaded with carbs. Therefore, breakfast combining these two foods is a great way to say satiated for long, thereby supporting quick weight loss.
Oatmeal with Yoghurt or Fruits
Loaded with fibre and protein, oatmeal can be combined with yoghurt, some berries or summer fruits for a delicious snack. Great for your gut, it also helps boost immunity while helping you achieve your weight-loss goals quickly.
Rice with Lentils
Rich in protein, lentils are a great way to stay full for an extended period. Combining it with rice is a complete protein source and carbs, making this a perfectly balanced meal for weight loss.
Vegetables with Chicken/Tofu/Cottage Cheese
A fantastic source of protein, chicken with non-starchy and fibre-rich vegetables such as carrots, beans, peas and broccoli are a perfectly balanced meal.
Green Tea with Lemon
We all know that green tea can do wonders for our bodies. Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea every day can keep your blood pressure stable and keep your weight in check. Additionally, adding lemon juice to your green tea can amp up all the benefits as well; it makes tea taste even better.