10 Super Benefits of Onion


Never mind the tears they bring on, onions are an ace ally in your fight against diseases. Onions provide us myriad health benefits while adding oodles of taste to our food. Not to mention, that they are cheap, so, you can always buy in bulk. Onions are stacked with numerous chemicals that keep you away from several ailments. Furthermore, onions also make you glow due to their detoxifying properties. The following are a couple of medical advantages of onions.
1. Onions are rich in sulfur, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium.

2. It is a prompt cure for fever, common cold, cough, sore throat, hypersensitivities, and other viral ailments. A blend made up of onion squeeze and honey can cure these health issues potentially. A little bit of onion can work against side effects of fever if it is kept on the forehead.

3. Onion juice can cure sun burns or an insect bite or even a honeybee sting, and heal it adequately.

4. Onions can help improve the digestive system. If you have a digestive problem, then onions can cure it by releasing the digestive juices. Onions can also be utilized to avert cancers. They help prevent head, neck and colon cancers.

5.  Onions contain water, protein, fats, starch, filaments, minerals, calcium, vitamin C, iron and B complex. Try and consume 100 – 150 grams of onion in any form depending upon your likes and dislikes.

6. The antioxidant, vitamins A, C and E in onion battle against the damage brought on by the destructive UV beams and additionally avoid free radical harm that is in charge of bringing about untimely aging of our skin. Onion is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the most intense antioxidant that can keep your skin wrinkle-free. The anti-aging characteristics of onion can be credited to the presence of sulfur-rich phytochemicals. Massaging your skin with onion juice expands the blood course and enhances the general appearance of your skin by granting a more youthful and radiant appearance.

7. This layered vegetable is extraordinary for your hair health as well. Onion juice is regularly utilized as a solution for different hair issues. Onion is entirely useful in treating thinning of hair.

  • All you need to do is, juice an onion in a juicer.
  • Add ½ teaspoon of honey to it.
  • You can add any essential oil to suppress the smell.
  • Apply this blend on to your hair or onto the segments that seem thin.
  • Leave it overnight and do not cover your head.
  • Shampoo your hair the following morning.
  • Do this at least once to thrice a week for best results.

8.  The antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin. It is an intense antiseptic that shields your skin from acne causing bacteria. Onions can be used as a part of the treatment for skin inflammation and pimples. For this,

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of onion squeeze or concentrate.
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Apply it all over.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash off later.

Besides topical application, the customary use of onion can also give you superb results on account of skin break out.

9. To condition your hair normally,

  • You can apply a blend of onion and fenugreek seed paste on your hair.
  • Keep it on for 60 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo.

10. Inflammation from arthritis in the joints can be healed with onions. There is a small trick with onions to get some relief from achy body. Onions seared in sesame or castor oil can be used to heal any body aches.  This is additionally used for toothaches and tooth decaying.

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