Spotlight on Nutrition At CES 2016


Health focus: There were lots of products at CES to help you get the right nutrition. — AFP

We round up a selection of gadgets from this year’s CES show that promise to help you eat healthier and smarter.


Life Fuels


The LifeFuels water bottle not only keeps track of how much water you have drunk, but can also store supplements in FuelPods at the top of the bottle, which can be used to infuse the water with a boost of vitamins and minerals. — AFP Relaxnews

Winner of a CES Innovation Award 2016, LifeFuels is a new smart bottle that wants to encourage you to drink more, and drink smarter.

Not only does the bottle keep a track of how much water you’ve drunk for optimum hydration, but what sets it apart from other water bottles is its ability to store supplements and flavours in FuelPods which are found in the top of the bottle.

Five FuelPods can be stored in the bottle at any one time, and dispensed into your water at the push of a button for a boost of extra vitamins and nutrition.

Your FuelPod consumption, as well as general water consumption, can then be recorded with the LifeFuels app so you can track hydration levels and vitamin intake, with the app even recommending which of the vitamins and supplements you should be taking and when for optimal well-being.



Scan your food with the SCiO portable sensor and an accurate reading of the food’s nutritional content will be sent to the DietSensor app to help you make better informed food choices. — AFP Relaxnews

Another CES 2016 Best of Innovation Award honoree, the DietScanner app works with SCiO, a handheld portable molecular sensor that scans food to provide you with information on its nutritional content.

Although only able to scan individual foods such as cheese or bread, not combinations of food such as a sandwich, different foods can be scanned individually to give an overall calorie total, as well as information of fat, protein, and carbs.

The results of the scanning are sent to the DietScanner app, meaning unlike with other food-tracking apps you don’t have to manually log in information. The app also provides you with a customised nutrition plan based on your food scans to help you meet your nutrition goals.



The SmartyPans sensor can read the nutritional information of the ingredients in the pan, and send this information to the app so you can track the nutritional content of all your recipes.— AFP Relaxnews

SmartyPans comes with a sensor at the bottom of the pan which ‘talks’ to theSmartyPans app using Bluetooth about what you are cooking. The sensor tells the app what ingredients you are adding to the pan so the app can then record its nutritional content, providing you with information on the food’s cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat levels, to help you to cook up a healthier meal. Your healthy recipes can then also be shared with friends using the app.

Nima Sensor


Ni4ma can test for gluten in foods and liquids in just over two minutes. — AFP Relaxnews

Easy to use, Nima works by testing the food inside its disposable capsule for a minimum level of 20ppm of gluten, with 20ppm being the maximum amount of gluten that the USA will allow in food while still being labelled ‘gluten-free’.

Put a small sample of the food inside the capsule and then the capsule inside Nima. In just over two minutes the results will be displayed on the front of Nima, telling you if 20ppm or more of gluten has been detected.

Results are then sent to Nima’s app, where information can be shared between users to keep a track of gluten levels in various foods.

The team is also currently looking into developing tests for other foods that are common allergies and intolerances such as peanuts, dairy, and soy.

Source: AFP Relaxnews


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