Largest Mental Hospital in Worst Conditions Due to Insufficient Funds


The largest mental hospital of Pakistan: Sir Cowasji Jehangir Institute of Psychiatry, is creating more harm than natural environment due to its bad conditions.

Sir Cowasji Jehangir Institute of Psychiatry Mental Hospital has a unique status in Pakistan due to its history. The hospital, built in 1855, has problems such as shortage of medicines and the stalled construction work due to government’s lack of attention and ignorance. According to Dr. Derya Khan Laghari, there were old buildings which are slowly being demolished and new ones being made. In the last four years, the hospital had been given special attention and new specialized wards have been planned to be made, but currently due to lack of funds, many such plans have halted. He further said that if the wards are constructed as planned, thousands of other patients would be able to be treated, which would help the people of both Sindh and Balochistan.

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