Increased malnutrition killing people in Pakistan


Malnutrition is the underlying cause of a third of child deaths in the world approximately 2.6 million each year. In Pakistan, it accounts for 35 % of the under 5 mortality according to the 2011 National Nutrition Survey of Pakistan.

The recurring droughts and floods in Balochistan have exposed children to increasing levels of food insecurity. It is important to address the dilemma of malnutrition in order to achieve MDG 4.

Provincial Deputy Program Manager Nutrition, Dr Abid, Manager Advocacy and Campaign Save The Children Mr. Nadeem Shahid and Ms. Saima Gul of IMNCH said that children and women are the worst sufferers of malnutrition in Balochistan.
48% women suffering from anemia and 36% women are underweight while 61% women are lacking iron.

Pregnant women are not given proper medical treatment and nutrition hence more precious lives are lost.

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