Directives Issued For Crackdown on Non-Certified Medical Practitioners In Lahore


The F.I.A will be assisted by staff members from the District Health office for the successful implementation of this task. Dr. Usman Anwar, Director F.I.A Punjab, has issued guidelines for the operation, following which the Assistant Director, Mian Asif Ali has started the data collection process. These non-certified medical practitioners tend to practice in small localities, and promote their practice without the backing of certified medical degrees. They endanger innumerable lives with their lack of knowledge. According to the reports received so far, the plan involves seeking out these non certified practitioners and catching them red handed. In addition, their clinics will be searched for the presence of fake medication. If any such medication is found, a separate case will be lodged against the individual under the Drug Regulatory Authority Act 2012. According to reliable sources, in the past month several people have been arrested on the basis of selling fake medication. Moreover, 2 factories involved in the manufacturing of these fake medicines were also identified and shut down.

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