Induction: The Risks of Inducing Labor
Worried about how your pregnancy will end? Scared at the idea of giving birth naturally? Thinking of opting for induction? Or maybe you are getting overdue and the doctor is talking about going for induction? Here is all you need to know about induction and whether or not you should have it.
What is Induction?
Inducing labor or induction is a process where the uterine lining is stimulated in order to bring on labor. It is mostly done to achieve a successful vaginal birth among women who are overdue, meaning who have not been able to have natural labor pains even after 40-42 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors mostly recommend it when there is some kind of threat to the health of the mother or the baby. Other reasons for inducing labor may include:
• The mother has gestational diabetes and the chances of baby surviving inside the womb are low
• The pregnant lady has an infection in the uterus
• Restricted fetal growth reducing the weight less than 10% of what it should be
• When the amniotic fluid around the baby is disappearing rapidly
• When the mother has high blood pressure and this could cause hazard to both mother and the baby
In case of any of the above-mentioned reasons, getting induction is best for both mother and the baby. But there are many women who opt for elective induction and that can be pretty dangerous. Here are some reasons why inducing labor could be a threat for you as well as your baby.
Increased Risks of C-Section
Women who get induced may end up having an emergency c-section because induction usually leads to c-section. This happens because the baby bag or the water bag has already broken and the baby is unable to breathe too long in such an environment. Chances of infection to the baby also increase once the amniotic sac has busted.
More Chances of Baby Developing Health Issues
Many babies who are born through induction may have an abnormal heart rate, shoulder dystocia, and other health problems.
Increased Risk of Baby Getting Admitted in NICU
In most cases, a new born after induction needs the NICU because they were physically unprepared to come out of the mother’s womb. Hence, the reason why there was no labor in the first place. The baby could have breathing and eating difficulties and may need special care of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
More Chances of Jaundice among Babies
Most babies get jaundice, but artificially induced babies have it worse than normal ones. This happens because bilirubin levels increase in their skin, which could be due to early delivery or because of the medicine given during induction.
Make sure to discuss these concerns in detail with your doctor before you go through with induced labor.
Reviewed by Dr. Ejaz Fatima