Tribute to Pakistanis


This Independence Day, our beloved country turns 68. This country, which was labeled a ‘failed state’ just one year after its independence by the British, has come so far. What have we not faced as a nation? From being known as a terrorist state, a war zone, zarb-e-azb to making it to the top in Olympics for the handicap, we have been through it all – and these are just from the past few years.

We celebrate the first breeze of the fan after hours of load shedding. We celebrate one cricket match win after series of losses. We know what it is like to run to the beach as the first rain hits, despite the sign board that urges us to stay away from the shore. We cheer ourselves up by memes on Facebook and Twitter about our celebrities, designers, politicians. So what if our politicians are eating up our taxes? We are having fun at their expense too. This is how a normal Pakistani functions.

We wake up on a daily basis to go to our jobs, starting our day hoping for something better to come up. We are teachers, doctors, non-government officials; we are civilians fighting for our right; we are a people who are still going strong!

So let us call-out to some of the professions who serve us all year long, without being given their due acknowledgments.


Our school principals, like Tahira Qazi, give their lives away for the sake of the country’s children. Our teachers spend their energy and time for the well being of their students. They not only teach; they give us a piece of their experience and expertise. They tackle mischievous children, nurture them and watch them flourish and succeed. There is no one happier than a teacher when they see their students working at high posts. A teacher’s prayer comes a long way and they are the reason behind every student’s achievements.


They are not paid enough, their protests are not taken seriously, they are called for emergency situations at any time, get blamed if they are not able to cure and despite all this, they are always present when duty calls. To all the doctors out there who run around hospitals, are at constant risk of contacting diseases, whose only aim is to cure, and who are probably working on August 14 as well, we thank you for your utmost dedication and hard work, for keeping us on top of your priority list and leaving your personal life behind.


We have all heard about them, seen them on signals and work places with a box of donation, on social media requesting for volunteers to show up for different causes. Our nation owes a lot to these NGO workers. They run these organizations for no profit. Be it a road traffic accident or heat wave scorching us, we see Edhi, Chippa and Aman ambulances running around. They are often blamed for keeping the donations for themselves but they still keep going. It’s not one person but it’s a team of good souls working for betterment, wherever they are needed. To a lot of people who cannot afford medical expenses, they come as a ray of hope. They are godsend, who give new life to everyone.


Lastly, to all us civilians and locals out there, a special thanks to you, for hanging in there. For cheering Afridi’s sixes, for voting, for voicing your opinion, for being positively active on social media, for giving us laughter, for being the part of the crowd, for being Pakistanis!

This Independence Day let’s take an oath to not pollute our country, work with goodwill and value the blessed nation we are a part of.

Pakistan Zindabad!

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