Tips to Beat Stress and Anxiety
Feeling blue, worried or upset? Have trouble sleeping? Well, these might be the signs of stress and anxiety. What worries you kills you. So, let your fears out and fill your mind with happiness. Kick those negative thoughts away and try to surround yourself with happiness with the help of these tips to de-stress yourself and reduce signs of anxiety
Share Your Concerns
The first and the foremost thing you ought to do, when trying to manage stress is to talk about it. Talk about your fears and concerns to someone who cares about you and you trust them. Talk to you mom, friend or your partner. Speaking out your fears and stress to someone even if they can’t physically help you, just being heard and understood by the person who cares will help reduce your stress and anxiety level.
Breathe and Meditate
Your breaths become short when you are anxious. This low breathing rate signifies stress and anxiety in your body and brain. Lengthen your breath consciously and breathe deeper. This lengthening and strengthening of your breaths will lower the anxiety level and prevent panic attacks.
One of the stress managing techniques is to meditate. To meditate is to relax. Meditation helps increase the level of relaxation in brain and the body while reducing the stress factor. Meditation will help you get rid of negative and anxiety provoking thoughts thus helping you to distance from those pessimistic and gloomy thoughts.
Eating Right is the Key
Stress and anxiety might change your appetite. You might crave for certain foods that your body might not need to cope with stress. Try to maintain steady blood sugar levels in order to stabilize your mood. Make sure your diet contains protein. Munch on handful of almonds, tuna or hard-boiled egg. Try eating foods that contain essential healthy nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and carbohydrates. Eating these foods can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Avoid eating sugary foods as they increase the symptoms of anxiety.
Moreover, avoid caffeine intake. Caffeine stimulates the increase in adrenaline hormone in the body. Cut coffee consumption, carbonated drinks and chocolates when dealing with stress. You can have decaf coffee and dark chocolate though.
Divert Your Mind
One of the stress management techniques is to switch to positivity. Instead of worrying about your fears and locking up yourself in the room, move out for a change. Try to divert your attention from anxiety and stress and go out with your friends. Give some time to yourself and to your mind and stop negativity to linger your mind. All this will help you to distress your mind.
Sleep Well
Try to take a good night sleep, as sleeping happens to be one of the easy ways to de-stress. Since anxiety disturbs the sleeping cycle and promotes inconsistent sleep, which may affect your physical and mental health, try to schedule a full good eight hours or sleep time and see what a few nights of sound sleep do for your stress and anxiety.
Be Happy
Eliminate those negative thoughts off your brain and look for reasons to be happy. Go out for a peaceful walk, read a good book, dine out with family, go for a soothing massage, hang out with friends, cook food or even re-do your room. All these activities serve you some time of bliss. Add all these activities in your to-do list a give some quality time to yourself.
Seek Aid
If stress and anxiety has taken toll and the symptoms have become significant, seek medical help immediately.