Surprising Things that are Destroying Your Skin
Want a reality check? Nobody would have fallen in love with makeup if their skin were flawless. We all want that perfect skin with a natural glow instead of investing into an expensive highlighter. Some blame genes and some blame the weather. We all deny the reality or maybe some of you are not aware of it. Here are a few surprising things that are destroying your skin
Don’t fall for it when people tell you that chlorine helped lighten up their skin tone. That’s just a myth. Instead, chlorine gives you a tan. Not a good tan but an ugly one. Chlorine clings onto your skin even after a shower and may react with lotions, medicines and cleansers. Make sure you use an extra sudsy body wash or soap after a good swimming session.
Skipping Meals
Ladies, stop starving yourself. It does not help lose weight. Starving has a negative impact on your skin since skin is the biggest organ. The food that you eat fuels up your body. Skipping meals only drains away the energy and deprives your body of ions and vitamins hence destroying your skin.
Talking on the Phone
It surely does sound strange. Excessive use of phone can cause rashes and breakouts on the skin. The whole point of grossing you out is that you become a freak and take care of your skin. Wash your hands so that you do not transfer bacteria to your phone and also make sure that you do not keep your phone on a dirty place. Clean your phone regularly and wash your face at least thrice a day.
Hot Showers
Hot shower in the morning after a long cold night sounds amazing, no? It feels good and relaxing, however, it damages your skin by striping your skin’s natural oil. Hot water destroys not only your skin but your hair as well. Try not to get so comfortable under hot water and turn the temperature to lukewarm if you want a moisturized flawless skin.
Stop drinking coffee to stay up late because you are supposed to sleep on time anyway. Coffee, chocolate and whatever you crave for at midnight, is usually bad for your skin. Coffee is acidic and messes up the hormonal system of the body causing oil production and breakouts. Nobody wants a bumpy skin even under those thick layers of makeup.
Pillow covers and towels are one of the most common reasons behind your acne. These two things contain too many bacteria. Keep clean towels in the bathroom all the time and make sure that you change the pillow covers every now and then.
Lack of Sleep
Staying up late for studies or movies, whatever your excuse maybe, it is unhealthy. Lack of sleep causes dark circles, dullness, premature aging and wrinkles. In short you will wake up looking like a zombie soon if you have not been getting proper sleep. It isn’t a joke when people tell the brides to get a beauty sleep because proper sleep does make your skin look good and flawless.
Sleeping with Makeup On
It is pretty much normal to sleep with makeup on, but what isn’t normal is the effect it has on your skin. At times, we are too exhausted by the end of the day that we can’t be bothered about taking off our socks let alone makeup. However, we all want an amazing skin, don’t we? So, stop being lazy and cleanse your face before be. Makeup clogs the pores and the bacteria can cause acne. If you are still lazy after knowing this, keep some makeup removing wipes on the side table to remind yourself before bed.
Hair Products
Sounds strange but avoid spraying on your face even if it is by accident. Hair sprays damage your skin and clog the pores. In long term it may cause premature ageing as well. Keep a clean towel on your face before using the spray.
Excessive Salt
You must have heard that sugar damages the skin but so does salt. Everything in excess is harmful. Too much intake of sodium can cause our skin to become dry and dehydrated. Make sure you cut back on salt if this happens and drink lots of water.