Kashmir Day: For the Jugular Vein of Pakistan
Pakistan’s solidarity with Kashmir goes back to 1947. Ever since Pakistan became an independent state, the Pakistani countrymen have made it a point that they want Kashmir to be a part of their territory as Kashmir is a Muslim majority area. The first war that Pakistan fought against India, 68 years ago was also for Kashmir. Every year on 5th February, Pakistan observes a national holiday to show solidarity and support for Kashmiri nationalists, and to let them know that Pakistan considers them as its own.
The founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah also gave a lot of importance to Kashmir, even before the creation of Pakistan. He visited Kashmir to assess the socio-economic conditions of the people of Kashmir during the reign of Maharaja Hari Singh. He called Kashmir, “the jugular vein of Pakistan”, and to this date Pakistanis show every year that they have their sympathies with the Muslims living in the Indian occupied Kashmir.
During floods, earthquakes and other calamities, Pakistan has always done its best to help the Kashmiri brothers. Pakistani leaders as well as forces personnel always have an eye out for the Kashmiris. Although not a part of the country constitutionally, Kashmir is always treated by Pakistan as a part of its realm.
5th February is a reminder to not only India, but to the world, that Pakistanis will never leave their brothers behind and that Pakistan will not forget it’s part that was not given to her by the British and Congress in 1947. Even after 68 years of freedom for the rest of Pakistan, our heart still bleeds when we hear and watch the Muslims in Kashmir deprived of their rights.
The unresolved Kashmir issue has been the heart of conflict and dispute between India and Pakistan. Be it the war on ’48 or Kargil of ’99, Kashmir has been the sole reason for these wars. However, Pakistan believes a fair plebiscite should be held in Kashmir under the supervision of the United nations.
Today after 68 years, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Muzzafrabad to express solidarity with Kashmiris, on account of Kashmir Solidarity Day. Pakistani President and Prime minister, along with the chiefs of the forces continue to show unflinching support to the Kashmiris, knowing and accepting their rights and freedom.
“It’s better to die fighting for freedom than to live life in chains”