Is Retail Therapy a Real Thing?


Have you ever had a tough day, then went out to shop, bought something, and suddenly your mood feels elevated? A survey “retail therapy, “or the act of shopping and spending money can brighten up the mood. But is retail therapy a real thing? Yes, according to some research it does work.

Helps to Ease Transitions

According to Psychologists, “Shopping can be a rich source of mental preparation.” As people shop, they visualize themselves on how they will use the product and hence their new life. Visualization is a great source for a performance booster and anxiety reducer. This is why the most intensive shopping of our lives is paired with big events — a marriage, a baby, or vacation.

Brighten Moods


Retail therapy purchases are beneficial. Buying something can boost and brighten moods.

Improves Child’s Development

According to a study, shopping can improve child development. It is the best way to boost social and motor skills. For example, the change of scenery from shop to shop helps improves the child’s motor and social skills more than sedentary activity. So, the more retail therapy toddlers are exposed to, the happier they will be.

Increases Dopamine Levels

During shopping when you purchase something that you want, your brain is filled with dopamine. Dopamine releases when the brain anticipates a reward. That is why we get way more excited when an online purchase arrives in the mail.

Retail therapy really can help you feel better, as long as you don’t overspend. But remember, retail therapy isn’t actually therapy. Giving yourself a treat from time to time can be harmless mood booster but letting your spending get out of control could possibly grow into a compulsion that drains finances.

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