5 Types of People You Will Find At Every BBQ Party


If there is one thing that every desi family loves doing during Eidul Azha, it is hosting BBQ parties, marinating all the qurbaani ka gosht and grilling it for the perfect seekh kebabs and beef botis.

However, besides the usual food items – from biryani to parathas and raita – at every BBQ dinner, there are also five types of people that you would spot at every gathering. And each of them make going to the party worth it.

1. The one who does all the work

From putting the gosht on the seekhay, to setting out the plates, this person is why everything at the party is in order. And the odd thing is s/he may not even be the host, but a guest who is generous and kind.

2. The one who only eats

This person will not even lift a plate even if asked to because s/he is only here for the food. The chances are s/he hasn’t eaten anything from the night before because mufta kabhi na chohrna.

3. The one with the branded jora

S/he is going to tell you at least 10 times during the party where s/he got her Eid ka jora from and how much it cost her/him. S/he won’t sit next to the grill because God forbid the suit gets ruined.

Oh and s/he won’t be helping with the food either because the jora! Can’t afford to ruin that pretty jora.

Related: Can’t Decide Your Menu For Bakra Eid Dinner? We’ve Got You Sorted

4. The one who doesn’t eat qurbaani ka gosht

Want to know about 101 reasons why qurbaani ka gosht should not be eaten? Turn to this person. Either s/he will tell you about why sacrificing animals is a violation of animal rights or why the smell of the meat gives him/her a headache.

Our advice, stay away from this person.

5. The one with all the stories

You need this person to keep us all entertained. S/he has ample of stories about that cow that ran away or that uncle who was tricked into buying a pregnant goat for Bakra Eid.

S/he is the reason BBQ parties are more than just the meat.

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