Tips to Lose Weight for Your Wedding
Planning your wedding can be stressful, which can make you overeat and add to your daily caloric count. This can cause you to gain weight. However, here are some tips that will help you look slim and trim on your wedding day and beyond.
Manage Stress
What future bride isn’t worried about the details, the planning, and even fit of her dress? Life doesn’t stop just because you’re planning a wedding, and all that stress can do a number on your mental health—and your waistline. In addition, pick healthy venues for pre-wedding festivities such as dholkis. There will be showers, parties, and outings galore as your wedding gets closer, and managing stress of planning out the months will help to control your weight.
Track Your Food
That means all of it, from the spoonful of soup you sampled for your reception menu to the little bites of cake you taste. These “hidden” calories are easy to gloss over but can really add up.
Eat a Hearty Breakfast
Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare at the same time the most important meal of the day and. Eat a healthful breakfast to get your metabolism fired up, and then you’ll be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day—like ordering a smart lunch and swinging by the gym after work.
Make Fitness a Priority
Food is only one part of the equation that determines whether you’ll lose or gain weight. Fitness is just as important. Make sure you exercise at least 5 days a week, with a 20 minute walk and some light weight training.
Track your Workouts
You wouldn’t miss your cake tasting, pre-marriage counseling session or dress fitting, would you? Add your workouts to your calendar so that other obligations don’t get in the way of your gym time.
Get Support and Take it One Day at a Time
It can be tough to stay strong and accountable to your goals if you don’t have anyone else cheering you on. It can be even more difficult to do so when people are trying to sabotage your efforts. It’s easy to go over your calories one day and feel like a failure. But remember that it takes much more than one day of overeating to thwart your progress.
Get Enough Sleep
Your mind and calendar may be full of to-dos, but is “plenty of sleep” on your agenda each day? It should be. Too little shuteye can hinder your weight-loss efforts, increasing cravings and leading to poor choices.
Stay Away from Fads
When someone is desperate to lose weight quickly, she’ll usually turn to some questionable measures. Be on the lookout for fad diets such as the juice only detox and don’t fall for fitness gimmicks either.
Keep an Emergency Snack on Hand
Don’t let yourself get to hungry. Between smart snacking and balanced meals, keeping your body properly fueled can help you keep hunger at bay. Eating too little, on the other hand, creates cravings that are too hard to ignore. Stashing some healthy and portable foods in your car, purse, and desk drawer can help satisfy your cravings and prevent you from going overboard on all the wrong foods.
Drink your Water
Recent studies found that when people drink more water throughout the day, they end up eating fewer total calories. Another new study found that drinking water before each meal resulted in greater weight loss. Water and water-rich foods can help fill you up longer. Keep a cup of water in hand at family get-togethers, sip water between bites, and meet your daily quota to help prevent overeating.
Avoiding Weight Gain after Marriage
Gaining weight is common after you start your life with your new spouse. Sometimes there is less incentive to stay thin once we’ve found a partner and some circumstances can cause weight gain such as busy schedules which leave less time for physical activity and cooking healthy meals or laying on the couch and watching television after a long day. Post-pregnancy pounds stick around and may multiply for both parents. Developing healthy habits early in your marriage will help to ensure good health for both you and your new partner for many years.
Eat slowly and enjoy meals
Turn off the TV and spend quality time with your partner during meals. Eating meals slowly helps you to recognize your body’s signals for feeling full.
Set ground rules
Make it a rule that you can only watch TV certain nights of the week or for a certain period of time.
Plan to eat breakfast together
Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and helps control hunger throughout the day.
Make exercise part of your marriage
It’s easy to get off track with your workouts after the wedding. Make exercise priority as soon as you get settled in. Letting too much time pass makes it harder to get back on track. If you both like to exercise, you’re lucky. Many couples battle with one another because one likes to exercise and the other doesn’t. If that’s the case, dig around to find something you both enjoy such as bike rides, a walk around the park or join a group fitness class together. Increased physical activity improves heart health by decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure. Sets goals with your partner to walk 1 mile after supper.
Don’t match each other portion for portion
Men normally require more calories than women to meet their energy needs. Don’t feel you need to match your partner’s portion sizes or accept second helpings.
Plan treats into your menu
You don’t need to avoid all kinds of foods. All foods in moderation can fit into a healthy diet. Just watch the portion size and the frequency.
Trade food duties
Offer to do the grocery shopping in trade for your partner preparing the meal. Creating variety in the foods you prepare will keep you motivated to maintain healthy eating behaviors.
Be supportive
Encourage you partner by saying “I’m proud of you” rather than “should you be eating that?
Do things together
It’s easy to collapse on the couch every night, but it’s just as easy to establish more active habits. Decide you’ll take a walk after dinner, playing active games or taking your kids to the park.
Take your time and negotiate healthy eating habits that you can both live with. The goal of enjoying a healthy life together is achieved through learning, communication and practice.