Healthy eating habits for Athletes


Let’s embrace the fact that athletes have amazingly busy, rigorous routines to follow, coupled with long hours of strenuous practice sessions and training. With rigorous practice and training, healthy food intake is as important to an athlete as training properly. An athlete’s muscle will lose its strength without practice and training, in a similar fashion the body requires healthy nutrition in order to maintain and enhance performance. We have listed a few strategies for athletes designed to help them enhance their day to day performance along with a healthy approach towards their diet

Breakfast, always

It is advisable for athletes to start their day with a healthy and nutritional breakfast, which provides them with the needed energy for the day ahead. An ideal breakfast for an athlete must include whole grain carbohydrates, proteins and fruits. Common examples are, Quaker Oats, banana and milk or alternatively scrambled eggs with orange juice and whole wheat bread would be good and supplement an athlete with enough energy needed for long practice sessions and training.

Eating In between meals:

Taking in smaller meals or snacks in between the bigger meals is always an energy booster. It has been witnessed, since athletes tend to eat minimally during the day time, and mostly in the evening, this isn’t any good, because it slows down the metabolic rate. This in turn reduces the consumption of food and results in lesser energy to dispense. For a snack, high fiber grains and proteins should be consumed. When an athlete consumes more meals during the day or in between the three mandatory larger meals, metabolism works over time, supplying their body with nutrition more than just three times a day.

Consume carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are a known source of energy for the body. Glycogen’s presence in the muscles provides the energy for training sessions and workout, after an intense session, this level drops down. In order to replenish these energy levels, carbohydrates must be consumed right after a training or workout session. Carbohydrates which should ideally be consumed after a session are bagels, cereal, banana, fruits or yogurt.

Fluid Intake:

Intense workout and training sessions increase sweating, and in order to replenish what has been lost, the overall fluid intake needs to be increased. If not taken care, this could lead to dehydration which can prove to be fatal at times. Water, juices, watery fruits such as water melons and grapes, sports beverages must be consumed in order to balance fluids lost during exertion.

Avoiding Fat and Sugar: 

Consumption of sugar and high fat content may be lead to a number of diseases including diabetes, obesity and heart ailment. Foods like whole grains, low fat milk, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins should be consumed in order to avoid such diseases. Along with avoiding disease, these foods maintain your health as well as aid in enhancing your athletic performance.


It should be stressed that proper athletic performance requires a healthy body, and a healthy body needs to have an active and steady source of nutrition. Without proteins, vitamins and minerals it isn’t possible to maintain a healthy body, therefore you should try to adopt the mentioned suggestions, they might help you get the most out of your body.

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