Today’s Horoscope 11th October 2020
Aries (21 March to 21 Apr)
Have you tried yoga or meditation? You should! You need to find out ways to relax and calm down. Go for a run today. If there’s a decision you and your partner have to make today, simply agree with your partner.
Taurus (22 Apr to 21 May)
Taurus would have a romantic weekend! If you’re single, check your old unread emails or Instagram DMs. There might be a surprise waiting for you. If you’re thinking about babies, this might be the best time! Money looks good.
Gemini (22 May to 21 June)
Looks like you haven’t been giving time and attention at home. Is your house in a mess? Time to clean up today! Help your partner and family. Sunday might be dramatic. Avoid getting into trouble today!
Cancer (22 June to 23 July)
It is going to be a super busy weekend. Everyone would want your attention. You will be invited to gatherings. You and your partner might get into a small fight. Be careful of that, and avoid answering back the same day. Take a day and then answer logically.
Leo (24 July to 23 Aug)
Excellent opportunity! Your mind would stay active, and you will perform at work brilliantly! Your next big idea can come any time so be ready for a surprise! Your love life will improve too. Your work schedule looks crazy. Take it a little easy on yourself too.
Virgo (24 Aug to 23 Sep)
Solve your problems logically, not emotionally. Go for an adventure. Give yourself some great alone-time! Before you buy a big house or invest your money, do your research well. Play smart!
Libra (24 Sep to 23 Oct)
Expect everything! Your love life can either become too good or too bad. Have you been hiding a lot of stuff? Time to be a little expressive. Take someone into confidence and share your little secrets. You will feel great!
Scorpio (24 Oct to 22 Nov)
Have you been spending a lot of time alone? Time to be more friendly, hang out with co-workers and groups! This would be great for your personal and professional growth. You might get into a mishandled situation with a friend or partner. Be careful.
Sagittarius (23 Nov to 21 Dec)
It’s great to be comfortable, but don’t let that make you boring! Be adventurous, try a challenging project, and pursue your passion! Brainstorm and ask friends for advice and ideas. You might make a small mistake which would become big. Deep breaths! Don’t react.
Capricorn (22 Dec to 20 Jan)
Things are looking bright! You will find love soon. There is also a chance you will find love in someone who’s completely different from you. Be excited to explore your options. Don’t be boring today. Do something different for your next week.
Aquarius (21 Jan to 19 Feb)
Emotional weekend, eh? Don’t fight your feelings. Give your emotions time to think and accept reality. A bad habit might come back into your life. Make a decision and stick to it! A self-care day is all you need. Love yourself!
Pisces (20 Feb to 20 March)
Today looks like a relaxing day. You’re more excited about your tomorrow than your today. Enjoy the present as well. Don’t let anyone misuse or take you for granted today. Don’t overdo for others. It might get backfired, and you’ll end up getting hurt. Be practical and enjoy it!