7 Warming Spices to Keep You Healthy Throughout Winter


Whilst it’s okay to take conventional precautions like wearing a sweater, covering head and wearing socks during the winters, Chinese Herbal Medicine tells us that keeping oneself warm from the inside is also very important.

Nature has provided us with some ingredients that not only warm our insides, but are also loaded with antioxidants that help protect you from seasonal ailments. Given below are a list of healthy spices that will help you pass this brutal winter season with a little warmth and comfort.

1. Cinnamon


This is great for maintaining adequate circulation in the body, ensuring that the extremities stay warm with a good blood supply. Cinnamon is typically used in two forms, as a bark and as a twig. Whilst the twig is used to treat joint pain that worsens in winters, the bark is used for many different purposes.

• The bark can be boiled with water and mint leaves to make a warming tea that improves cramps, indigestion and helps warm your insides after a long tiring day.

Cinnamon can also be sprinkled on tea, coffee, deserts and other foods to give them that amazing aroma and rich flavor.

2. Turmeric


More commonly known as haldi, turmeric has been an old household remedy to treat anything, from burns to a cold.

• Turmeric helps increase the core temperature of the body especially if given with warm milk and honey.

Turmeric can help decrease inflammation and turmeric paste is often used to treat painful arthritis.

3. Cardamom


This is known for its unique smell and taste and is very popular spice in Middle Eastern and Asian cuisines. Cardamom helps open respiratory pathways, improving breathing in case of a stuffy nose.

• It is also added to tea to make it more potent. It is used in herbal balms and salves to treat congestion and cold.

4. Cumin


A bank of benefits, some of cumin’s advantages include its ability to aid in digestion, improve immunity, help during insomnia, respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. Only a small amount of cumin can help you a long way if you feel a cold coming.

5. Black pepper

Black pepper

This is well known for its anti-bacterial properties, because of which it is added to foods as a preservative.

• If you’re suffering from a sore throat or congestion, a tea spoon of honey with a pinch of black pepper heated together can fix you up in no time.

Black pepper also has anti inflammatory properties and is a great source of potassium and vitamin k.

6. Cloves


Cloves are an ayurvedic landmine of benefits. They have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties. Clove oil is a popular remedy to treat acne scars and an antiseptic.

• Clove is rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, dietary fiber, iodine, vitamins K and C, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and magnesium.

Cloves are used in herbal tea that is great to combat chills and shivering.

7. Saffron


One of the more exotic spices, saffron is still considered a rich man spice not only because of how expensive it is, but also because it has a wealth of benefits for the user.

• Saffron milk is an amazing antidote for a cold or flu or against the cold. It helps with digestion and help boost immunity.

When taken in small amounts it can be quite beneficial, but if consumed in excess it can cause nausea, vomiting, drowsiness etc.

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