5 Food Combinations You Should Avoid
Combining food is a healthy approach to eating, where foods with different digestive environments are consumed separately. Here are five food combinations which could make a difference in your digestive system. Beware!
1. Eating fruit with, or after a meal.
Eating fruit with, or after a meal is said not to be healthy for your digestive process. Examples of this are strawberries on your salad, apple pie for desert, or fresh berries after dinner. This is due to several reasons. Fruit is quickly transported through the stomach and is broken down in the intestines. If you eat fruit with foods that take longer to digest, such as meat or grains, the fruit remains in the stomach for too long and begins to ferment. Instead of eating fruits with or after a meal, try to eat them 30 to 60 minutes before your meal, or 3 hours after. This way it prepares your digestive tract for the food that will come. The water hydrates and rinses the tract, the fiber cleans it, and the enzymes start the process of digestion.
2. Try not to eat animal protein with starch.
Examples of this combination are meat and potatoes, chicken and pasta, or a turkey sandwich. This is because, if animal protein is consumed with a carbohydrate, the diverse digestive juices will cancel out each other’s effectiveness. The starch will ferment and the protein will putrefy. The end result will be gas and flatulence. However, many bodies are naturally inclined to traditional foods like meat and potatoes. Instead of these not-so-good combinations, try protein with vegetables low in starch. If you do choose to combine starch and protein, mix in some green leafy vegetables to slightly nullify the bad effects.
3. Try not to drink liquids during meals.
Examples of this are drinking water with your meal, sipping juice with your food, or consuming tea right after you eat. You should not do this because it takes around 10 minutes for water to pass through your stomach, and it takes juice 15-30 minutes. These liquids dilute the enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your body. As an alternative to this, drink as much water as you want up till 10 minutes prior to eating. Afterwards, abstain for at least an hour before consuming any liquids.
4. Also, do not combine two sources of protein which are concentrated.
Examples of this combo are nuts and yoghurt, meat and fish, and Swiss cheese and eggs. This is due to the fact that concentrated proteins take a longer time to digest, which tires the digestive system, which lessens its energy for other activities. Instead, during your meal, for your first course eat protein or light vegetables. Eat meat at the end as your enzymes are at their most productive. Do not wait too long between different course of your meal, otherwise your appetite and enzymes start to turn off, andif you really want to eat two high protein items together, add vegetables with a high content of water to them, such as lettuce or onions.
5. Lastly, try not to combine fats with wrong foods.
Examples of this are tuna with mayonnaise, olives with bread, and meat fried with vegetable oil. This is because to digest fats, they need bile salts from the liver and gall bladder. You may be caused distress if they are added to other digestive chemicals. Instead, you should eat small portions of fats, such as organic, unrefined olive or coconut oil, when frying grains, protein, or vegetables. Also, combine non-starchy vegetables with protein fats such as avocados, nuts, and seeds. Whenever you’re eating a fat, always try to include leafy green vegetables