Easy Tips to Avoid Weight Gain after Your Marriage


It’s a shame that most newlyweds let their months of pre-wedding dieting go to waste. If you don’t want to undergo the same fate, or you simply want to avoid weight gain, here are some simple and effective rules to follow to avoid weight gain after shadi.

Keep Track of Your Weight

Most post-wedding weight gain occurs due to negligence—people tend to care less about their weight after marriage. Awareness, therefore, is the first step.  If you notice the number on the scale steadily increasing, it’s probably time for you to take immediate action. Weighing yourself regularly will also help you to associate specific behaviors and foods with weight gain or loss.

Do Not Fall for Unsustainable Pre-Wedding Diet Traps

Pre-wedding eating habits are another major cause of post-wedding weight gain. Crash dieting and over-exercising are unhealthy, unsustainable and have been proven to slow metabolism, leading to immediate rapid weight gain as soon as such activities are abandoned. For those of you who still have time, make sure your wedding weight loss plan is consistent, simple and spans over several months.

Eat healthy and Practice Self-control

Its normal for newlyweds to have to attend several lavish parties. While it’s very important that you enjoy these celebrations, try and exercise a certain amount of self-caution. Your waistline will thank you later.

Pay Attention to Changes in Eating Habits

It’s common for newlyweds to want to cook and indulge in delicious foods. For both husband and wife, emphasis on eating together can result in a reduction in snacking (which can lead to binge eating later on) or larger portion sizes. And while it’s okay to indulge occasionally, it’s imperative that you make a concerted effort to not allow these practices to become a norm.

Avoid the Lull

For females especially, marriage can mean a significant decrease in activity. Couples spend more time at home together, a practice which generally means lounging around and burning less calories. While this one is difficult to avoid, it may help both members to develop active hobbies, maintain their pre-marriage social life, or make an effort to spend time with one another outside the house.

Exercise to Avoid Weight Gain after Shadi

This is something we all know, but it’s worth mentioning again. It may be a good idea to make a joint exercise plan with your spouse or to sign up for different fitness classes together.

Try to Keep Your Relationship Stress Free

Ever heard of the term ‘comfort food’. This may seem unrelated, but marital stress can cause people to look for solace in unhealthy foods. The best way to avoid this, not just for your body, but for your relationship as well, is to be expressive and communicate openly about your feelings with your spouse.

Establish a Fitness Partnership

Though you may have gauged this from the previous tips, this too is worth repeating. Both spouses can significantly benefit from engaging in a joint effort to prevent weight gain after marriage. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to each other’s goals and work together to maintain healthy eating habits and active lifestyles. You can also encourage one another to stay on track.

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