6 Natural Beauty Tricks from Your Kitchen

6 Natural Beauty Tricks from Your Kitchen

Don’t want to spend thousands of bucks on cosmetics and masks? It is absolutely okay and totally understandable. Homemade beauty treatments are far better than the ones you get in parlors where you most likely end up with burnt or scarred skin. Here is the list of beauty tricks that you can make by ingredients that every kitchen has for sure.

1. Honey Lemon Cleanser

Honey works amazingly as a moisturizer, especially when combined with lemon juice.

2. Sugar Scrub for Soft Skin

Removing dead skin is a must thing. Dead cells accumulate in the pores and may lead to acne. It makes your skin dull. Instead of spending money in the salons and investing into some high-end artificial scrub you can make a simple one at home, which won’t leave your skin looking like somebody just peeled the top layer off.

3. Protein Treatment for Hair

Yogurt, eggs, garlic, onions and lemons are of great use when it comes to hair and skin. Why would you want to go to a parlor to get a protein treatment when you can save your time and do it yourself at home on regular basis?

4. Natural Makeup Remover

Ladies, please do not sleep with your makeup on. It leaves behind dark pigmentation on your skin, which is nearly impossible to get rid of. Some wise person figured out the easiest and the cheapest way of removing makeup without harming the skin beneath it.

5. Natural Concealer

Got dark circles under eyes? It’s okay till you have cucumbers or potatoes in your kitchen.

6. Anti-aging Creams


If natural beauty treatments to prevent aging are done regularly, you won’t reach that point where you will be forced to use anti-aging beauty creams.