5 Benefits of Using Lemon on Your Face


With the changing weather, and increased level of humidity on its way in various parts of the country, especially those close to the sea, it is more than vital to grab all the ideas to avoid skin damage. This article may especially help those who spend much of their time outdoors and hence, are more exposed to the pollution, dust particles, humidity-laden moisture and what not. All of this leads to clogged pores, which, if not taken care of properly, makes the skin prone to acne, breakouts and scars, also contribute greatly to make your skin look dull and unattractive.

While natural remedies to deal with such damages may be endless, one ingredient that has made it to the list is, lemon. This special ingredient is known for its Great Lemon benefits. Moreover, it is cheap and readily available almost everywhere.

How does lemon help your skin? Read ahead.

1. Skin Lightening with Lemon

The number one benefit of lemon is its ability to lighten skin tone. The citric acid in lemon makes this possible. However, consistency is the key. You may not see immediate results, they are gradual, but they usually do come. Rub a slice of lemon on your face or darkened areas and leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off. Make a habit to do this every alternate day.

An important thing to remember when carrying out this routine is to decrease exposure to the sun. This is integral since UV Rays can be harmful when exposing the skin on the face to lemon juice. If you have any cuts on bruises, make sure to avoid them since the lemon will burn them and irritate the skin.

2. Get Rid of Acne

Lemon juice has shown to work great with acne. How does it do that? It’s quite simple. lemon benefits has naturally Healthy antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria. Run water on the slice of lemon for a bit, squeeze it on a cotton ball and apply it on the face especially on areas of acne. Not only will it help the acne from drying out, it also decreases the chances of further breakouts.

You can also leave it overnight for maximum effect, but make sure you wash your face the first thing in the morning.

If you are already using topical creams, make sure to consult your doctor before carrying this out. This is imperative, since lemon can interact with the cream of the formulation.

3. Lemon is a Natural Exfoliator

Did you know that lemon is a natural exfoliator for the skin? By gently rubbing lemon juice, you are not only making your skin lighter, brighter and free of scar marks, but also making it softer. The layer of dead skin is easily peeled off, thanks to the natural antioxidants and antibacterial properties of lemon juice.

To Exfoliate:

Cut a lemon into quarters and dip the pieces in a small amount of sugar. Slowly and gently rub it on the skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. If you have really dry skin, you can mix equal amounts of sugar, lemon juice and water. Leave this paste on for 15 minutes before washing it off.

4. Moisturize Skin with Lemon

Make a mixture using equal amount of olive oil, honey and lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face, especially on the dry areas. This will moisturize your skin, making it softer and brighter.

5. Squeeze Out Blackheads

If you have occasional blackheads, lemon juice will work just fine for you. Just apply lemon juice on your areas of blackheads over night. Rinse it off with warm water in the morning lemon benefits.



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