What to expect as the person’s dementia progresses


Caring for someone who has dementia may be daunting and stressful at times. Thus, it is essential to prepare yourself by being aware of what is about to happen. 

People of any age who show minor impairment are counted among the early stages of dementia. A distinction may be drawn between this with the phrase “early-onset,” which refers to those diagnosed with the disease at a younger age than is typical for the condition. 

When this stage occurs, some individuals are unaware that they have dementia, and they may not be identified until after it has passed. Thus, it is advisable to be aware of the stages of Dementia when dealing with it in real life. 

Symptoms that are common in the early stages are as follows:

Apathy and sadness are common mood swings, as are forgetfulness and difficulty learning new things and understanding discussions. Other symptoms include difficulty focusing or short attention span and mild coordination issues.

People in this era of their lives often need minimal assistance. They may be able to see how they are changing and communicate with others about their experience of living with the condition if they do so. They may also prefer to participate in the planning and direction of their future care.

What to Expect During the Middle Stage of the Process

The ability to reason and remember continues to decrease at this stage, although many individuals will still be aware of their situation to some extent. People in the intermediate stage of Alzheimer’s disease need assistance with various everyday duties.

This is the moment when, for families and caregivers, the following occurs:

Your engagement in the person’s care rises significantly as time goes on. It may be necessary to contemplate placing the individual in a long-term care facility for the first time.

Having access to programs and services in your community may be pretty beneficial, giving support in the form of adult day programs, respite care, and other forms of assistance.

Because of the growing difficulties that persons suffering from disease and their families are experiencing, everyone concerned will need assistance and support. Even though the middle stage of the illness brings with it more significant problems, you may assist the person who has the middle-stage disease by doing the following:

Consult with a medical professional about the disease’s treatment choices.

Keep an eye on other aspects of everyday health, such as regular prescriptions and dental requirements, among other things. Even though the middle stage necessitates using different tactics from those used during the earlier stages, some of the previous strategies will continue to be employed.

What to anticipate at the end

The “severe” or “advanced” stages of the disease are terms used to describe the late 

stages of the illness. During this stage, the individual suffering from disease finally loses the ability to speak verbally or care for himself properly. 

The importance of nonverbal communication is growing in importance.

The individual will experience the following symptoms in the late stages of the disease:

The ability to remember new knowledge and recognize the passage of time and location has been severely impaired. Loss of the ability to communicate in a recognized manner

This condition results from the inability to eat, move, or use the restroom without help.

Care may be necessary 24 hours a day. To provide the maximum possible quality of life for the person, relatives and caregivers must continue to assist them.

At the end of life, you should know what to anticipate.

The individual suffering from dementia will face significant mental and physical decline in its later stages, ultimately necessitating 24-hour supervision. When a person is on the verge of dying, the emphasis switches to palliative care and comfort. Nonetheless, it is essential to honor the deceased’s desires in the way they desired.

When caring for someone suffering from a terminal disease, it is essential to attend to their physical, mental, and spiritual needs to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible when the time comes to say goodbye to this world.


Living with the disease may be very difficult at any stage of the condition. It is typical to experience a wide range of emotions, including sadness and loss, during the illness at all stages. It is essential to recognize your feelings, take care of yourself, and seek the practical assistance and emotional support you need at this time.

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