5 Ways You Can Prepare Your Child To Go Back To School
First day of school after a long vacation can make your child dislike school. The little one has spent days playing with their favorite cousins and watching his/her favorite shows.
So, the thought of going back to school can make them resent it so much so that they might throw tantrums to avoid going altogether.
However, this doesn’t mean that you give into their tantrums. In fact, what you can do is prepare them for the school in advance. Help them adapt to change that is about to come with school starting.
Here are five things you can do to make your child want to go back to school:
1. Get into the school routine in advance
Most children, sleep late and for longer hours when on a holiday. But if this routine isn’t changed before school starts then your child will wake up grumpy and will just go to school in a bad mood.
So, set the sleep routine at least a week before school starts. Turn off that TV screen and make them sleep early. Wake them up early in the morning and make their favorite breakfast.
This will make them excited about getting up early than simply thinking you are punishing them as school begins.
2. Go stationery shopping together
Involving your kid in shopping for new school supplies will only make them feel excited about going back to school and using these supplies.
Buy what they like. So that they can flaunt it in front of their friends.
3. Throw a back-to-school party
What is more exciting than eating cake and playing fun games with your friends? So, throw a back-to-school party for your child. Call his/her friends so that they can all catch up after a long summer break before school and eat cake together.
This will make your child look forward to going back to school, if he/she knows that it come with a party.
4. Gift your child something on the first day
It doesn’t have to be a big gift but something that you know will make them happy. Gift him/her something on their first day back, and maybe ask them to open it at school.
This will make the child realize how important going back to school is and make him/her feel excited. They can then go to school and share this excitement with their friends as they open the gift you have given.
5. Plan their after-school routine together
Sit and discuss what you are planning for your child after school. Whether it is enrolling them in a dance class or setting time for tuition, set goals and involve your child in the process.
A child, no matter how little, feels valued once you start involving them in small decisions about their life. And when you schedule things keeping them in the loop, it makes them feel they are heard. Hence, they are more likely to enjoy these things and take responsibility of.
What are your back-to-school preparation tips?