New Vaccine against Malaria Developed
A new vaccine has been developed and approved by European regulators for treating Malaria.
After investing decades of research and billions of dollars, the most effective malaria vaccines thus far have finally been approved by the European Medical Agency for usage. However, the vaccine still needs to be approved by the World Health Organization and it would probably not be available to public before 2017.
More than 20 million people get affected by malaria each year in which 75 percent are children under five-years old.
According to the WHO, each day more than 1200 children die from malaria every year.
Mosquirix is the world’s first malaria vaccine that has been approved by the European Medicine Agency. The efforts were made to reduce the incidents of this fatal disease; hence this drug is designed for use in young children. Due to the developing immune system of young children, this drug is most effective for them.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will undertake studies soon to determine how they would use this new drug. It would be used adjacent other wellbeing measures to decrease and wipe out occasions of intestinal sickness. After that, individual nations would likewise need to sanction the antibody before circulation to kids