6 Pregnancy Conditions That Can Be a False Alarm
Pregnancy may be a natural physiological process for some. However, for most women, their first pregnancy is a period of anxiety and uncertainty, due to the whirlwind of symptoms they experience. Unsure of whether these new feelings are just part and parcel of the pregnancy or a false alarm – many couples stress out over minor issues and pass on the stress to their family, friends, and even their physician.
Obstetricians are often heard complaining of patients who call the doctor for the most trivial of matters as they are afraid they may overlook something serious
During subsequent pregnancies, women are mentally prepared and are better informed about the danger signs, but in the first pregnancy, everything feels suspicious and alarming. Here are a few false alarms of pregnancy that cause more anxiety than needed:
1. Mild Vaginal Bleeding
Scary as it may feel, not all bleeding episodes end in a miscarriage.
It can also happen after exertion, lifting or sexual intercourse. Although spotting can be ignored, heavier bleeding should be reported to the doctor immediately.
2. Fever
Pregnant women are often paranoid about getting a fever. Not only are they afraid of passing on their germs to their unborn baby, but many women refrain from taking any oral medication, which makes them feel worse and prolongs the illness.
The truth of the matter is that even though drugs should be avoided in pregnancy, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine medicines can be taken safely.
3. Headaches
It is a fact that severe headaches in pregnancy may be due to pre-eclampsia related hypertension, but in most cases, a headache is just a headache.
4. Contractions
False labor is a clinically established diagnosis because uterine contractions do occur during the end of pregnancy, which can often be mistaken for labor.
They come regularly and get closer together over time. Another distinguishing factor is that false labor pains get better with movement or change in posture, whereas true labor pains remain the same.
5. Pain
Pain is always worrisome for the patient, especially towards the end of pregnancy as it may indicate progression of labor. Pregnant women are advised to give attention to the nature of the pain. If the discomfort is felt in the front, like menstrual cramps, it indicates false labor. On the other hand, if the pain or pressure starts at the back and moves towards the front, it indicates true labor.
6. Fluid Discharge
Water bursting is a sure sign of labor, but is it really “water” or something else?
Passage of secretions, discharge or even urine can be confused with water breaking.
Having a kid is a stressful time for both mother and father. Good obstetricians understand this state of psychological and physical stress. They take out time to educate the patient about the physiological changes to be expected during pregnancy as well as the danger signs which have to be clinically treated as soon as possible.
If the mother is educated about all aspects, it will save her from a lot of unnecessary stress. Help her enjoy her pregnancy and treat it like the natural physiological process that it is.