Hand Mudras to Relieve Stress


The practice of yoga plays an important role in improving both our mental and physical well-being and if there is anything that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us it is that our wellbeing is most important. Below are 5 hand mudras that can help you relieve stress.

Gyan Mudra

This hand mudra helps improve concentration and memory.

Method: To do this mudra touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your index finger while your other fingers are stretched out and relaxed.

Prana Mudra

This hand mudra relieves anger and restlessness.

Method: To do this mudra touch the little finger and ring finger to the thumb while keeping the other two fingers extended.

Prithvi Mudra

This hand mudra reduces fatigue, keeps you balanced and grounded

Method: To do this mudra touch the tip of the ring finger with the tip of the thumb while keeping the other three fingers straight.

Vayu Mudra

This hand mudra is really helpful for relieving shortness of breath as well as aches and pains

Method: To do this mudra roll your index finger towards the thumb so that tip of your index finger touches the base of your thumb.

Surya Mudra

This hand mudra helps regulate the amount of heat in the body which further helps in metabolism-related problems.

Method: To do this mudra, fold your ring finger so that its tip touches the base of your thumb and the other three fingers should be stretched out.

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