COVID-19 Vaccination: Myth VS Reality


The aim of the Covid-19 vaccination drive is to end the virus once and for all. At the beginning of this year, it first started with frontline health workers, and now vaccines are being injected into common civilians moving down the age. We all are in hopes that this vaccine will be able to control the spread of the coronavirus, but not everyone is willing to get a shot.

Myths related to the vaccine are being spread on social media platforms which have caused people to back off from getting registered. According to a survey, 49% of the population in Pakistan is reluctant to get vaccinated even if the vaccine is offered free of cost. In this article, we will debunk all the misinformation and beliefs about vaccines.

Myth 1: Vaccines aren’t efficient/efficacious

Fact: All vaccines were thoroughly tested & studied to meet safety & effectiveness measures.


Myth 2: Vaccine causes infertility in women

Fact: The vaccine has got nothing to do with the reproductive system or cell of a woman. There is no scientific fact to support this misinformation.


Myth 3: Older people or people with diabetes, kidney, or heart patients are at greater risk of getting vaccinated.

Fact: Older people are likely to have fewer side effects as their immune systems are weaker, which makes vaccination even more important in the elderly.


Myth 4: People are at higher risk to get corona while they are in line to get the COVID vaccine and around other people.

Fact: One should follow all public measures; wear a mask, 3 ft distance, sanitizing hands to minimize virus exposure. Facilities providing vaccines are taking all the measures to keep every individual safe from the corona.


Myth 5: Vaccine affects women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Fact: The vaccines help the body to fight against the virus that causes COVID-19. There is no evidence that this immune response causes any problem for women who are currently pregnant or are breastfeeding.

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