Recipes for heart patients this Eid


This is that time of the year again, when you see every other person, be it a businessman, or a shopkeeper, or a doctor or a teacher, roaming in the streets with their cows, goats and camels.

I truly love this festivity in my country, when you get to hear “gae bhaag gaii” after every hour. People especially take days off from work in order to spend more time with their animals.

When you hear the word Eidul Azha or ‘Bari Eid’, the first thing that comes to anyone’s mind is food: barbeque, kaleji, steaks, shami kabab, behari boti, mutton biryani, handi, paee and what not. Trust me, the entire year we foodies wait for this time where we can have a lot of mutton and beef.

But not everyone can manage to have all these “mirch masala” loaded foods, because of their health issues – especially heart patients. Heart patients are bound to eat ‘pheeka’ food even on festivals and I often feel sad that they can’t join us in this festive activity. How can one control them from not eating appetizing food? This truly amazes me. That is why, today, I will share a recipe of a Bakra Eid-special dish for heart patients and also a mint lemonade drink.

Both recipes are really simple but mouth-watering.


Mutton/beef – 3-4 medium piece
Garlic paste – 1 tbsp
Ginger paste – 1 tbsp
Vinegar – 2 tbsp
Soya sauce – 1 tbsp
Black pepper – 1 tbsp
White pepper – 1 tbsp
Salt – according to taste
Chili flakes – 1 ½ tbsp


  1. With the help of a meat tenderizer, beat the pieces of meat.
  2. Now add the pounded meat in a bowl and marinate it with above-mentioned ingredients.
  3. Leave the meat for half an hour in a fridge.
  4. After that, in just one table spoon of olive oil, fry, grill or steam the meat, according to your preference.
  5. When your meat is ready, serve it with boiled mash potatoes and stir fried vegetables.

If your meat is fresh, it will cook in half an hour; if it is not then add papaya powder while marinating it.



Milk – 2 tbsp
All-purpose flour – 1 tbsp
White cheese – 2 to 3 thin pieces
Mustard sauce – 1 tbsp
Olive oil – 1 tsp


  1. In a pan, heat one tea spoon of olive oil.
  2. After the oil is heated, add all the ingredients except milk.
  3. After frying the all-purpose flour and other ingredients, now add milk and cook it for some time.
  4. In the end, add salt and pour this sauce on your meat.

This will enhance the taste and make it tenderer for the patient.



Lemon – 2-3 tbsp
Mint – 8-9 leaves
Honey – 1 tbsp
Garlic paste – 1 tsp
Crushed ice – lots of it


  1. In a blender, add some water and one glass crushed ice.
  2. Add lemon juice, mint paste, garlic paste and honey.
  3. Now blend it for some time. Your drink is ready.

Cooking is creativity, so make sure whenever you cook, you enjoy it. You can add and omit whatever you want in your recipe because in cooking you can always experience new things. For those who are blessed with good health can enjoy their Eid to its fullest but for those who are unfortunately suffering from any disease, they do have every single right to enjoy their food too. Even by skipping some masalas, one can cook a yumilicious dish.

Enjoy Eid and your food. Try to avoid oily food as it can cause obesity. Always remember the underprivileged in your happiness.

Eid Mubarak (in advance)!

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